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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Whenever Cedrick would get upset, Miles would hide behind Catelyn.

They had a blast, and as the night progressed, Miles decided to end the day with a ride on the Ferris wheel.

The gondola rose toward the sky slowly and finally stopped at the highest point as though it was floating in the air.

Miles pressed his face against the glass and stared down at the scenery.

The lake was located beside the Ferris wheel, and there were a few cruise ships sailing on the water. There were waterproof lights on the edges of the shops that shone splendidly when one looked at them from higher ground, and Miles stared at them unblinkingly.

There wasn’t much space in the gondola, so it felt even more cramped when Catelyn stood up, but she wasn’t afraid. Every time she turned around, she would brush against his chin. “You seem so cautious most of the time. I didn’t expect you to be this brave. Are you not afraid of heights?”

Catelyn tip-toed and pressed her fingers against the glass window. “What’s there to be afraid of? The Ferris wheel isn’t going to collapse. Besides… Don’t you think this is about as close as you can get to the sky?” Cedrick chuckled silently at the innocent smile on her face while typing on his phone to send out a command.

Baam! Suddenly, they heard a piercing noise of the engine moving emitted from the Ferris wheel, and the entire theme park fell into complete darkness. “There’s a power outage!”


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