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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Since the bus was filled with people, Catelyn gripped the handle above her head firmly. Her upper body leaned toward the window as she tried to balance herself so she would not fall when the bus pulled the brakes.

Her shoulder was moist with the rain from earlier, but she did not bother to wipe it off.

"Mommy, that car seems to be following us," said a little girl who sat on a seat in front of Catelyn, pointing at a black car outside the window.

Her mother smiled and acknowledged her. "Don't put your hand outside of the window. The road is big, and it could just be going in the same direction. Why would it be following us?"

"That's true," the little girl responded as she pursed her tiny lips and retrieved her hand.

Moments later, the girl's mother was heard mumbling to herself, " Hmm. It does look like it's following the bus. Look; it stops every time the bus stops and moves every time the bus moves. That's pretty weird..."

Catelyn listened to their conversations and looked out of the window in curiosity.

It was raining so heavily, yet someone was following the bus?

The cold air had formed a layer of mist on the bus window. The black car that the mother-daughter pair mentioned had been maintaining a distance from the bus. Catelyn was having trouble seeing, but the person inside the car looked familiar to her, especially the last two digits of the car plate's number.

Catelyn was still deep in her thoughts when she felt a man's chest pressing against her back.

The body felt warm.

Catelyn froze for a brief moment before sidestepping. She turned around to throw a sharp glare at the man behind her.

The man was in his thirties to forties. His face was filled with facial hair, and a dark circle of stubbles surrounded his mouth to his jaw and sideburns. His eyes gleamed with devious intent.

Catelyn felt her stomach churn in disgust.

The man touched his chin and asked in a revolting manner, "What are you looking at?"

Catelyn smiled coldly and asked defensively, "Shouldn't I be the one asking you why you're standing so close to me?"

"The bus is filled with people. Where else am I supposed to stand?" replied the man with a perverted smile as he whistled.

Catelyn thought about his action earlier, and her smile turned icy- cold.

She stomped on the man's toes with her heeled shoes, mustering all her energy on that single movement as she dug her heel further down the man's toes.

"Argh!" The man yelped in pain. He felt like his toes were almost severed from his foot.

Some nearby passengers turned around to the source of the noise. Catelyn retrieved her foot nonchalantly and smiled politely.

"Sorry! There's a pig in heat, and my foot slipped by accident. Please excuse me."

The man grabbed his injured foot and jumped around a few times, his face flushed shamefully as he glared fiercely at Catelyn. He raised his hand and reached out to strike Catelyn across the face.

"B*tch, I'll kill you!"

The bus was filled with people, and there was no way for Catelyn to run.

All she could do was raise her handbag and try to fend the attack off


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