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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 262

Chapter 262 Even though Catelyn did not try to clear her name of plagiarism, she managed to redefine the purpose of a designer. Being slandered for plagiarizing was nothing to her. After a long silence, Edwin, who had been watching Catelyn, stood up with a smile on his face and clapped. “As expected of Miss Catelyn! You’ve truly opened my eyes. This presentation is definitely worthwhile.”

Followed by that was a sea of applause by the rest of the judges.

Lola, on the other hand, felt her face burn in embarrassment.

She had accused Catelyn of plagiarism and revoked her right to enter the competition. However, that new draft she had just presented managed to shock and impress everyone, so much so that even the high and mighty Edwin Atherton was here to support her! Lola bit her lip and stood up with a smile on her face. “I believe that everyone has no objections for Miss Cately to rejoin the competition?”

“No objections,” agreed the judges unanimously. Edwin smiled with his eyes and looked at Lola before saying to Kelly, “Aunt Kelly, please inform Grandma to leave Catelyn a spot for the finals.” Kelly had no power to object, anyway. “Yes, Mister Atherton.”

Lola suppressed her anger and excused herself to the washroom. She did not expect Catelyn to pull it off since she had been busy fighting custody for her child with Jamie, but she did, and she did it-admittingly-so well.

Plagued with frustration, she sat on the toilet seat when the sounds of heels clicking against the floor and the sounds of chit-chats got progressively closer. “Lola must be knocking her head against the wall right now.”

“She deserves it. I’ve never liked how arrogant she is, anyway. I heard that her mother used to be Henry Antherton’s assistant and eventually became a mistress. Her title is even worse than ours if you think of it that way! She only managed to climb onto her current title by being a bootlicker.”



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