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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 270

Chapter 270 Moments later, a beautiful, fashionable-looking woman walked out of the airport. With a black face mask on her face and her brown curly cascading down her shoulders, she pulled along a suitcase with one hand. “Ah, my dear Miles! I’ve missed you so much!” Joanne happily ran toward Catelyn and Miles as she took off her mask, revealing her baby face. She threw her bag aside and picked up Miles, rubbing his face excitedly. “Why are you so cute?! ” she squealed as she kissed him.

Miles was wearing a mask, thus Joanne’s kisses landed on the cloth instead of his cheek. As the boy returned Joanne’s hug, he silently thanked his luck that he was wearing his mask, as his godmother would always kiss him incessantly every time she returned from movie shootings.

“Godmother, you’re so noisy,” said Miles as he rolled his eyes cooly.

Joanne was not angry at all. Instead, she thought his remarks were very cute. “I brought you a gift. Do you like it?” she asked.

Miles disagreed. “Is it a pacifier, or a snack?”

“It’s a snack gift package! How smart of you, Miles, you guessed right!” chirped Joanne. “It’s a specialty of the place where I filmed abroad, and it tastes very good!” She could not help laughing. Her smile was sweet and bright, it was a wonder why she even had so many anti-fans. Miles rolled his eyes again. “Your gifts are always the same. I don’t know what else you could’ve gotten me.”

“Don’t talk to your godmother like that.” Catelyn flicked a finger against Miles’ little forehead.

She and Joanne were classmates back in college.

During her sophomore year, the Clark family suddenly went bankrupt, and Catelyn’s classmates, who used to be her close friends, started avoiding her. During her lowest point of the moment, she was even chased out by her landlord, and she had to sleep on the streets.

Joanne was the only one who did not care about her family’s plight and even lent her some money that she earned from her part-time commercial jobs. If it was not for Joanne, Catelyn could not imagine what would have happened to her.

How was she supposed to support Stella and Miles on her own? After all, she was pregnant during that time with twins. She could not do much in her state even if she went to work.


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