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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Catelyn tried to imagine it.

Edwin had been dissolute for years. He had a reputable family background, was generous, and good-looking. Many women must have clung to him voluntarily.

Edwin wanted to reject the girl, but she still came onto him anyway. Unfortunately, Joanne had misunderstood Edwin to be the bad guy in the scenario.

The scene was too perfect. Catelyn ceased her imagination. “What did your manager say about it?” Catelyn knew that Joanne was always obedient to her manager, and was a little worried about it. Joanne smiled and waved her hand dismissively. “No worries, I can handle this.”

That night, even though Joanne was back, Catelyn could not sleep well, and it baffled her.

The next morning, Ollie video-called her from Mason Estate.

Janice had sent him to the Estate by Saturday night and had video-called Catelyn from time to time to inform her of his whereabouts.

He would tell her about his breakfast, sometimes about the fun he had at his grandmother’s, and he would then ask when she would come to the estate again. All the while, Catelyn responded patiently to him.

It was an adorable conversation between the mother and the son.

Nonetheless, Ollie grew anxious. He had waited for Catelyn to bring up anything about his father, yet she never did.

He did, however, overhear the maids gossiping this morning that another woman was in his father’s bed last night.

Catelyn was at Ocean Park Residence last night, so it was not her. “Mommy, Father wasn’t home last night,” Ollie deliberately diverted the conversation to that topic.


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