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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 289

Chapter 289 Catelyn placed a hand over Miles’ mouth and carried him out of the room by the waist. “If you wake him up, I’ll dump you at Jamie’s.” Miles slowly ceased his struggling as he grabbed Catelyn by the hem of her blouse and feebly reasoned, “I will be obedient! I won’t wake Big Demon up. Don’t send me away, please?”

Cedrick was fast asleep, so Catelyn was not worried that Miles would be noticed. She thus left him to have a rest in the living room and went to clean up the dishes.

After Catelyn left, Miles’ innocent expression vanished and was instead replaced with a mischievous grin.

So, Big Demon dared to sleep on his bed and harass his mother, huh? He would regret this.

When Catelyn came out of the kitchen, she saw Miles sitting quietly in the living room, watching the television. The volume was turned so low that it would wake Cedrick up.

Catelyn was glad to see that her son was on his best behavior.

Just as she was about to ask Miles to go back to Joanne’s, Miles suddenly turned off the television and slid down the couch. His little face turned as he gazed up at Catelyn. “Mommy, I can’t watch television freely here. It’s boring, and I want to go back to Godmother’s place.”

Music to Catelyn’s ears. After all, the longer her son stayed, the more dangerous it would be.

“Right, give me a minute. I’ll pack a few clean clothes for you.” Catelyn then turned, intending to go into the master bedroom when Miles suddenly grabbed her wrist, his expression grim.

“Why are you getting clean clothes for me? Is Big Demon going to stay at our place for long?” “Of course not.”

“Then I won’t need clean clothes to change.”


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