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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 296

Chapter 296 Inside the meeting hall capable of housing hundreds of people, the contestants for Chandier Jewelry’s contest went up the stage to describe their designs while the judges sat on the front row. Among the judges sat an old woman in her seventies, and she sported a pair of large spectacles with black frames.

She occasionally lowered her head to intently stare at the submitted drafts while she listened to the presentations, only to grow more and more disappointed. She did not particularly enjoy the hassle, but she had created Chandier Jewelry in the memory of her daughter.

Summer used to study jewelry design, and her biggest dream was to become one of the most renowned jewelry designers. It was a shame that she eventually gave up her dream for the sake of a man.

As Granny Atherton grew older, she began dreaming more often of the events in the past 20 years ago. Had she not been so stubborn, Summer might still be with her. She could not help but wonder where Summer had been in the past 20 years and if she had been well.

Lola sat obediently next to Granny Atherton. Seeing the crease between her eyebrows, Lola immediately consoled her, “Grandma, we haven’t even reviewed twenty of the designs. It’s okay if you don’t see anything you like at the moment; there are plenty of contestants waiting. We’ll surely find a designer that you like.”

Granny Atherton sighed. “It’s not about whether I like it or not, but it’s the fact that these designs are soulless. I don’t want something new. I just want…”

She paused before finishing her sentence. The designer contest was held for the sole purpose of finding Summer or to at least find something that resembled her. However, all the designs that were submitted mostly focused on the exterior, and she simply could not find a design that contained the boldness in Summer’s past designs. Soon, 16 contestants had gone upstage to present their designs, and the host then called for the next candidate.

Silence loomed over the hall as no one responded.

“Next up will be candidate number seventeen, Miss Catelyn Clark. She has brought to us a delicately designed ring.”


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