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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 308

Chapter 309 Joanne nodded cautiously and wiped her hand before reaching her hand out. “Hello, I’m Joanne. Mister Mason, right? Wait… Cedrick Mason?” Joanne widened her eyes in shock, her gaze drifting between Catelyn and Cedrick. She gulped and asked nervously, “Cedrick Mason? You’re that guy, aren’t you?” Cedrick’s lips curled upward arrogantly as he responded, “Is there another Cedrick Mason in this world?”

“Oh my god!” Joanna was so shocked that her lower jaw dropped, and her heart thumped against her ribcage.

“Wow, Cat, what a good friend you are! Why haven’t you told me that you’ve been seeing the great Master Cedrick?! I thought we’re besties, and I even take care of Miles for you! No wonder you’re always bringing Miles to mine.”

Catelyn felt embarrassed by her friend during the first half of the sentence, and she almost jumped from the bed to stop her from continuing. She had to gesture with her eyes for Joanne to stop talking Joanne, though aware of what Catelyn was doing, pretended to be a fool. “Stop blinking so hard with your eyes; you’re going to get an infection!” Joanne was in disbelief that Catelyn did not tell her that this ‘Big Demon’was Cedrick Mason all along

Catelyn, on the other hand, was infuriated. She was worried that Cedrick would become suspicious of what Joanne said, but it seemed like she was just overthinking as Cedrick did not react to any of it, merely asking her to rest instead.

He took the jacket from the chair and was ready to walk out of the room when Catelyn grabbed his hand and asked, “Are you leaving? It’s so late.” Cedrick looked back at her. “Are you sad that I’m leaving?”

Catelyn took the small pillow next to her and snuggled it as she muttered, “Go, just go. Joanna is here anyway, and we’re going to have some girl talk.”

“I have an international meeting shortly, and I have to head back to the office now. I’ll drop by again tomorrow.” Cedrick tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and buttoned up his suit gracefully and nobly.

It was definitely a view.

Joanne’s eyes were glued onto him, and she looked visibly starry-eyed. ‘Goodness! How charming!


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