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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 311

Chapter 311

Lola paused for a brief moment before she added, “Or is it because you’re still bitter about the fact that I kicked you out of the competition, and you’re just doing this now so that my grandmother would hate me?”

Catelyn was at a complete loss for words when she heard this. Thankfully, she had swallowed the water in her mouth, or she might have spat it out.

Lola was a downright shameless woman. Her sad, innocent demeanor made her look like she was the victim there.

“Are you brainless or something? Cat’s not crazy; she’d never do anything like that!” growled Joanne through gritted teeth, furious on Catelyn’s behalf. “Not only did she lose the competition, but she had to be admitted to the hospital, too! What did she gain from any of these?! You’re such a heartless woman!”

Lola bit her lip down and muttered, “Miss Winters, I know you’re close to Miss Catelyn, but sometimes, it’s hard to tell what a person’s real intentions are.”

Joanne’s eyes reddened as she cursed at Lola.

What a treacherous woman! Catelyn had been admitted to the hospital, yet Lola had the gall to come and provoke her!

Catelyn, on the other hand, was amused as she watched Joanne’s behavior and reaction.

Lola, upon hearing Joanne’s words toward her, innocently lamented, “I’m just trying to give you solid advice. Why are you cussing at me?”

“So what if I cussed at you? I’d hit you, too!” Joanne’s face twisted in anger as she picked up the knife next to the fruits and pointed it at Lola. “You’re not welcome here. Get out now, or I’ll slice your face up!” “Y–You guys… This is ridiculous!”

Lola acted as if she had been slandered and blamed for the most heinous crime and turned, ready to flee the room.

However, she froze the moment she turned.

Cedrick and Edwin were standing outside of the room in the corridor.

A range of emotions appeared on their faces, but it was evident how they knew what went down in Catelyn’s ward.


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