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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 320

Chapter 320

Catelyn looked back at the man in displeasure and flatly spoke, “Mister, what are you doing?”

“I’m sorry. I just wanted to tell you that you dropped something,” replied the man. He quickly realized that his actions were inappropriate and quickly let go of Catelyn’s hand before pointing to the ground with a warm smile on his face.

Catelyn looked in the direction of his finger and saw a dollar lying on the ground.

She withdrew her gaze and looked at the man.

“Mister, your approach is a little old-fashioned. I was in a rush today, and I didn’t bring any money along,” said Catelyn before she walked away without giving the man a second look.

The man stared in the direction where Catelyn disappeared, and his startled expression suddenly changed as he curled his lips into a sinister smile.

He picked up the banknote.

“Didn’t bring any money along, huh?” he murmured in amusement. He had seen the banknote fall out of Catelyn’s pocket with his own eyes. Did Cedrick really like silly women like her?

The aroma of caffeine was all over the air in the VIP section of the coffee shop, which was on the top floor of Riverdale Mall. Cedrick sat by a coffee table draped with a light-colored tablecloth as he sipped his coffee slowly.

Sitting across from him was a cheerful-looking boy who was about 17 or 18 years old. He had short brown hair with a strand of green-colored dye across.

“Cousin, just promise me that I can be an intern in your company! I’ll never cause any trouble! “pleaded Javier Mason as he stared at Cedrick with hope-filled eyes.

Cedrick took a sip of his coffee and said, “You know your aunt doesn’t want you to join the company too early and get involved in family affairs.” “But I’m already a mature adult. I have a girlfriend!” wailed Javier. Cedrick paused and raised his eyelids lazily. “Seriously?” he muttered.

“I promise that I’ll do well if you allow me to intern in your company. There is so much inside work politics, and with me by your side, I can help you identify the culprit,” said Javier, his expression ambitious.


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