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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 325

Chapter 325 Catelyn looked at Joanne coldly and said, “Do you think Cedrick treats me well because of Miles? Besides, I will never betray my own child for money.”

“Oh, I’m just joking, don’t be angry…” said Joanne. She knew Catelyn would never be able to have Miles acknowledge Cedrick as his father, but she could not help but wonder.

“Kitty, I know you’re afraid of your child being taken away, but you need to know how powerful Cedrick is. The Mason Family would turn your whole world upside down if you kidnap their child,” Joanne warned.

“And that’s why I need a brand new identity and passport. You mentioned before that you know someone in the black market. Can you help me with this?” asked Catelyn.

Joanne immediately understood and answered, “No problem, leave this to me.” “Thank you. I feel much better now,” said Catelyn. She started sobbing as she hugged Joanne. Joanne gave her a big bear hug in return. “What if the mysterious person is just trying to deceive you? Maybe he wouldn’t even say anything to Cedrick?” “No.” Catelyn raised her eyes and said firmly, “I won’t bet on that at all.”

Her child was her priority, and she would do her best to keep him.

Meanwhile, Lola had been kneeling in front of the Atherton Manor for a full day, and both her legs felt numb.

The servants would pass her constantly throughout the day, and whisper to each other as they saw Lola kneeling on the spot. She had just returned to the Atherton Manor yesterday. She felt extremely exhausted, and she wanted to get some good rest at home. Unexpectedly, as soon as she got home, Henry came downstairs and swiftly gave her a slap without hesitation.

Missus Atherton wanted to comfort her, only to learn from him that Cedrick had issued a ban order to close down his construction company within a month. Countless of Henry’s business partners had requested to cancel their cooperation ventures, not wanting to have any affiliation with him any longer after that.

Lola knew the only person who could save the Atherton Family was Granny Atherton herself.


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