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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 344

Chapter 344

When Cedrick appeared, every employee in the office stopped what they were doing and held their breaths as they looked over gingerly.

Cedrick remained outside and did not step into the office. “I don’t think I’ve heard enough. Why don’t you keep the drama going?”

Everyone held their breaths as chills ran down their spines.

Sensing that something was wrong, Jennifer hurried toward Cedrick in hopes to explain herself. “Master Cedrick, it’s not what you think! There’s some issue with my subordinate’s work, and I just wanted to educate her about it. Mister Graham here might have seen it differently, and that’s why we had a little argument. We’re usually very close friends!”

George froze, intimidated by Cedrick’s sudden appearance. Meanwhile, Catelyn frantically pulled her hand away from George’s.

“Master Cedrick, it’s my fault for interrupting the others’ work.” After a brief silence, George bowed and apologized to Cedrick sincerely.

However, Cedrick had not spared him a single glance and, instead, turned to look at Winnie. Winnie was about a year or two older than Catelyn and appeared dominating with her long hair tied up, sporting the professional outfit and heels she was wearing. Without a doubt, she was a standard beauty who had a small face and pouty lips with just a touch of valiance.


“Yes, Mister Mason?” Winnie would address Cedrick as ‘Mister Mason’ whenever they were in the office as that would be inore appropriate and would effectively avoid being the subjects of gossiping as well. Cedrick parted his lips and, without a moment of hesitation, ordered, “Jennifer Monroe has disrupted the order in the office by bringing her personal emotions into work and framing another employee. Give her a six-month worth of salary and fire her.”


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