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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 347

Chapter 347

In the end, Catelyn rejected George’s invitation. (I wish you all the best in the future.)

The screen on her phone did not light up again for a long time after that, and she had thought that George had finally gained clarity on the situation, but the phone buzzed again after a while.

[I mean everything I said to you before. If you still haven’t found anyone by the time I come back, consider me, will you?]

She could almost picture the sincere and shy expression on George when he typed the message. She knew that he did not volunteer to go to Europae, at least not in the present

During lunchtime, everyone headed to Mason Group’s canteen for employees. Catelyn did not have much of an appetite and thus placed down her spoon and fork after just a few bites.

Concerned, Samantha asked, “Catelyn, why are you eating so little?” “My stomach feels a bit uncomfortable lately, so I’m already full,” she answered before tossing the utensils back into the basket that collected used cutleries. She dragged her feet toward the elevator and glanced at the floor indication on the right. Her finger stopped right before she was about to press on the floor of her office as she gazed up at the top floor button.

With an arm-full of documents, she headed to the CEO’s office. By the time she arrived, she noticed that the door was left slightly open, and she could distinctly hear the sounds of the people talking inside the room. It was Winnie, giving updates to Cedrick on work.

“Cousin Cedrick, I’ve proofread the data, and there won’t be any issue concerning the contract with Mister Hyatt. We’ll seal the deal by next week.”

Catelyn decided against going in and stood on the side to wait. “Good work. Go have your lunch,” Cedrick’s voice came through the door.


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