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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 354

Chapter 354

“You’re allowed to smoke, but I’m not?” teased Catelyn as she then put out the cigarette, tossing it into the trash can.

Cedrick pulled her into his arms once again, and together, they walked toward theater room no.6, looking like a couple in their honeymoon phase. “Smoking is a man’s prerogative,” replied Cedrick. “Do you know how many toxins are in a cigarette stick? Nicotine, tar—there are more than three thousand different types of harmful substances, and more than thirty of them could cause cancer. There were even studies and experiments that showed that the amount of nicotine in one stick of cigarette is enough to kill a mouse.”

Catelyn listened to him as he explained how harmful cigarettes were, “If you’re aware of it, why do you smoke?” she shot back.

Cedrick looked at her and said, “Because I’m a man, and you…are a woman.”

They finished watching the musical, and Cedrick had nothing else planned afterward as it was not appropriate for Janice to stay out for too long.

Hence, they decided to dine in a vegetarian restaurant.

Before they left, a staff member ran toward them from behind and called out to Catelyn. “Are you Miss Catelyn?” The staff member looked at Catelyn nervously, “Yes, I am,” Catelyn responded, confused. “The Ninth Master had ordered for me to pass this to you before he left.” He took out a pendant with a red string and pointed at the fish pond behind them. “He said you dropped this earlier and to please take care of your belongings.”

Catelyn saw the pendant and felt her pocket…realizing it was empty.

The pendant was given to her by Cedrick for good luck, she was supposed to give it back to him the next day, yet she had almost lost it.

When Janice saw the pendant, her eyes widened in shock.

She looked at both Cedrick and Catelyn before taking a deep breath, almost as if she was repressing something.

“Thank you.”


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