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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 357

Chapter 357

David smiled faintly at her.

Everyone always referred to him as the Ninth Master, and it had been a while since he was called by his full name.

“I’ve brought you something. I believe you’d want to stay once you see what it is.”

“Open the door now. Let me out!” Catelyn refused to believe David and shot him a deadly glare. Nobody would like being shoved into a car in the middle of the street. David completely ignored her plea and opened the box, retrieving a stack of photographs. “Are you sure you’re not interested?”

Catelyn froze in place the moment she saw the photographs.

Those were pictures of Ollie and Miles-the exact ones she received the card from the mysterious man.

“So you are the mysterious man!” Catelyn snatched the photographs from him and glared at him repulsively. “The only thing you’re good at is using my children to threaten me. How despicable!”

David chuckled and asked in a serious tone, “Do you know Cedrick has been investigating you and your son?”

Catelyn’s face twitched as she tried to repress her emotions. “I’ve asked him to help me in my custody case, so it’s normal for him to investigate me.”

“Don’t play dumb with me. You know what I’m referring to.” If Cedrick had been investigating Catelyn and Miles, he could not have possibly not known that Miles and Ollie looked identical.

The reason Cedrick had not found out that yet was that David had diverted Cedrick’s source of information

“You have two choices.


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