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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 363

Chapter 363 “Cedrick, can I participate in getting the reward?” Javier raised his hand up greedily, traces of guilt evident on his youthful face.

He had joined Mason Group without telling his mother, and because of that, she punished him by cutting off his pocket money when she found out.

glared at him coldly.

Javier felt a chill down his spine.

He had never seen Cedrick acting the way he did.

Cedrick had never looked at him with such a cold look before; it was like he was looking at a

“Cedrick, Catelyn and I really had been played! All I did was call a few friends to capture her and put some fear in her to see if she’d betray you. I didn’t expect actual gangsters to show up!

“The consequence is what matters to me!” Cedrick cut him off coldly, sounding like he could barely tolerate him. Javier dared not to look at Cedrick and hung his head low like a child that had been punished. “I’m sorry, Cedrick,” he apologized sincerely. At that moment, Javier seemed to have spotted a feminine figure walking on the field toward them from a distance.

The woman’s clothes seemed thin. Her arms were crossed together as she rubbed her arms together, seemingly to create some heat as she endured the cold night.

“Cedrick, look!” He pointed toward the field, which Cedrick’s gaze trailed after.

The weak figure walked slowly in the dark, her pale face exposed before the car’s headlights.

Her shadow was stretched under the light. She staggered slowly as though she had gone through grueling pain.

The woman was Catelyn.


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