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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 374

Chapter 374

Despite showing Winnie a brave front, Catelyn was, in fact, seething.

The post’s influence would only grow until it was deleted. Eventually, it would affect her life… and Cedrick’s as well.

Catelyn mustered her courage and, with Charles’ help, went to the top floor to find Cedrick.

It was summer, but the air conditioner on the top floor was downright cold.

“Miss Clark, I think I have to remind you that Master Cedrick’s mood…isn’t at its best right now,” said Charles. Usually, he would be more cheerful when Catelyn was here to look for Cedrick. Today, however, was different. Ever since Cedrick saw Catelyn get into The Ninth Master’s car, he seemed to have changed as a person. Catelyn took a deep breath. “Alright. I understand.” “Alright, let’s go in,” said Charles as he made a fist-bump gesture toward Catelyn and pushed the door open.

The moment Catelyn entered the room, she felt a strong cold breeze blowing toward her face. Cedrick was buried in a pile of documents, seemingly very busy with his work. “Have you negotiated the contract with President Nielson?” asked Cedrick without lifting his head, thinking that it was Charles who came in.

There was a long silence. Cedrick frowned and put down the black pen in his hand. He looked up and saw Catelyn standing dazedly not far from his desk.

She was wearing professional-looking office attire. Her long hair was pulled up, and she held a few pieces of paper in her hand. Catelyn just stood there, as if she was struggling with something “Why are you here?” said Cedrick, sounding rather annoyed. “I know you don’t want to see me now, but…” Catelyn stared at Cedrick’s handsome face with an indescribable grievance in her heart.


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