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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 380

Chapter 380 “…oh dear, cousin, he’s your son!” “That’s why I knew he would not have the guts to do it.”

Javier was speechless.

The next moment, Javier heard him say, “Javier, if you keep teaching nonsense like this to Ollie, I will make you regret this.”

Javier shivered and hung up. He looked at Ollie, terrified.

Ollie held his head down in disappointment. He then thought, ‘It’s okay if my father is not here. As long as Aunt Catelyn stays, my father will come back!

Catelyn took a cab to Mason Estate as Javier was still upstairs practicing scripts with Ollie.

He saw a green car driving toward Mason Estate from afar. “She’s here! Your Aunt Catelyn is here!” Ollie dripped another two drops of eye drop into his eyes, took off his shoes, and climbed up to the window sill.


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