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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 391

Chapter 391

Catelyn swayed ever so slightly. Her features stiffened as she clenched her fists.

A few seconds later, she responded coldly, “I have nothing to do with Cedrick anymore.”

David’s smile lingered on his face as he grabbed the remote controller of the television to switch it on. Instantly, a news report appeared on the screen. It was the press conference Cedrick and Maia had held. The two stood next to one another, and under the spotlights, it almost seemed as though there was no other couple as compatible as they were. Countless reporters flooded the hall, and the sounds of camera flashing did not cease. “Mister Mason, rumor has it that you’ve been engaged to Miss Maia Clark for four years now. You haven’t shown any intention of getting married so far, so why are you deciding on it now?

“Both the Mason and Clark families are powerful clans in Sapphire City. The union of the two families is a big deal, so why are you spending only three days on the wedding preparation?”

“Miss Clark, there have been whispers saying that there was another woman that came between you and Mister Mason, which led to your relationship going sour. Is that true?”

Cedrick’s narrowed glare swept the room as he scanned each reporter, sending chills down the spines of those who met his gaze.

Little did everyone else know, Maia had bribed a few of the reporters, and they continued shooting questions.

“Who is this other woman in your relationship? The internet seems to suggest that it’s a certain female actress.”

Before Cedrick could say anything, Maia took a step forward and wrapped her arms around his intimately. “Sorry, but this is all we’re going to say. Of course, we welcome all to attend our wedding!”

Inside the living room, Catelyn’s face grew pale at the realization that Cedrick was marrying Maia.

Marriage… It had seemed to be such a far-fetched concept, yet it was suddenly realized before her.

Cedrick would be married and become someone else’s husband in three days. Would he take another woman’s arm and demand that her son call someone else his mother?

As sorrow took over her, Miles was also affected by the atmosphere and shot a resentful glare at the screen.


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