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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 395

Chapter 395

Miles could hear his heart shattering into pieces as rage burned within him. He wants me to kneel and apologize to that woman? In his dreams!’

Silence fell over the house once Miles was taken to the black room.

Maia suppressed the resentment boiling within her and got up elegantly from the ground.” Cedrick, I…think Ollie probably didn’t do that on purpose. He just can’t accept the fact that we are getting married, so that’s why…”

“If you dare tell Aunt Janice about this, I’ll make you regret that you were ever born,” he snarled threateningly at the mention of marriage. He had wanted to settle the incident peacefully with Maia when he woke up that morning, but Janice coincidentally came to visit at the time. When she saw the mess on the ground and watched Maia run out of Cedrick’s room in tears, she instantly realized what had happened

and demanded justice from Cedrick.

Cedrick did not intend on explaining himself. Although he was downright wasted and drunk, his body’s reaction was undeceiving, and he could tell that he had not done anything with Maia the night before when he went to shower.

It was yet another Maia’s trick, and she stood by it. When Cedrick mentioned that he had called off their engagement, Janice was so shocked that she fell unconscious. When she finally woke up, she insisted that the two get married to one another. She was as pale as the sheet on the bed she was laying on and could not stop coughing as she spoke. Even the doctor had to stand by anxiously while monitoring her condition.

Since the situation had gotten out of hand, Cedrick had no other choice but to eventually compromise.

The only thing he did not expect was how much Ollie hated Maia.


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