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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Ollie’s eyes gleamed with dissatisfaction for a brief moment.

Maia would always behave demurely and elegantly whenever Cedrick was nearby.

In reality, Ollie had been exposed to Maia’s true color more than once, and he knew Maia despised him for being a burden.

Nonetheless, Ollie walked over toward Maia and greeted her politely.

“Good morning, Aunty Maia.” “Morning, Little Ollie.” Maia took out a robot toy figure from her bag and gave it to Ollie. “I didn’t get to properly take care of you when you were sick previously, so I hope this gift is enough to make up for it. Do you like it?”

Ollie took the toy and nodded calmly, his face devoid of emotions. He was used to hiding his emotions from those outside his circle.

Maia reached out her hand, her nails done with sparkling manicure, as she attempted to pat Ollie’s head.

Ollie, however, moved one step toward the dining table and grabbed the glass of hot milk, dodging Maia’s hand completely.

He would not allow just anyone to touch his head! Maia’s smile twitched, internally hissing at the boy in annoyance. Her smile and enthusiasm quickly returned to her face. “Ollie, let’s play with the toy together, shall we?” “There’s no need. You’re here to see my father, so I won’t be bothering you.”

Ollie put the glass of milk down. The milk had left a ring of foam on his philtrum, it was an adorable sight.

His annoyance was not visible to the plain eye. “Alright, then.” Maia nodded lightly, feeling upset internally. Even though Ollie was polite the whole time, she could tell that he had asserted some distance.

Albert came out of the kitchen and was surprised to find Maia there. He greeted her happily, as he had always hoped that Cedrick would find Ollie a mother someday.


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