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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Ollie cleared his throat and said, “I think Aunty Catelyn has something to discuss with you about the mansion. She’s right next door.” Cedrick frowned lightly and said, “I’ve already given my orders. What else does she want to talk about?”

Ollie was not at the scene during their discussion earlier, thus he paused for a moment to think of a comeback before saying, “I’m not too sure about that. You should talk to her yourself.”

Cedrick rubbed his fingers together and spread his palm open. A small semicircle mark was visible on his palm, caused when Catelyn grabbed his palm when she had tripped and fallen into his embrace.

It was obvious how terrified she was at that moment with the way she grabbed him really tightly

“I understand. I’ll be there in a moment. Albert warmed up some milk for you, so remember to have some before you go to bed.”

“Alright. Thank you, Father.” The boy nodded as he let out a sigh of relief silently. It seemed that Cedrick was not suspicious of him at all.

Cedrick felt the spot on his chest where Catelyn fell against starting to itch. He was about to go see her next door but quickly sat back down again.

If he were to go, would it seem like he cared?

Cedrick decided to finish reading his documents before getting up and going to her. It was late at night, and no one else was on the second floor apart from himself and Catelyn. The corridor was empty and quiet.

Cedrick knocked on the door before going in, but the door was not even closed as it gaped open upon a slight push…

The sounds of water could be heard as soon as the door opened, Cedrick frowned at the thought of Catelyn being in the shower.

Why would she call him over when she was taking a shower?

Cedrick was about to leave the room when Catelyn’s phone rang loudly. He paused as his gaze landed on her phone.


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