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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62 George saw Cedrick pinning Catelyn against the wall, her wrists firmly held in his hands. Catelyn’s eyes were red and seemed glossed with tears…as though she had wept.

Cedrick was harassing her!

George automatically sprung forward and attempted to pull Cedrick away from her, but Cedrick just would not budge.

“Master Cedrick! You’re already engaged; you can’t do this! Let her go!”


Catelyn’s eyes widened upon hearing that, and her expression became unpleasant. Cedrick had a fiance?

That meant whatever happened that night at the hotel was…

Cedrick composed himself and flung Catelyn’s hands away. Without hesitation, he turned around and was about to leave. He saw George serving the hot soup to Catelyn through the corner of his eyes, his lips curling upward in an unreadable emotion.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you-your son called. He asked for you to return his call, or he’ll be calling the police soon.” “Son?” George looked at Catelyn in disbelief. “Catelyn, did Master Cedrickjust say that you have a son?”

“Yes, my son is turning four soon.” Catelyn was not shy about it at all. She tucked her towel in and hurried to get her phone, thinking of calling her son immediately. She knew Miles well enough to know that he was not joking when he said he wanted to call the police. Meanwhile, George’s face froze entirely as he stammered, “I…never heard you talking about this. I was always under the impression that you’re still single.” Catelyn was so focused on trying to dial Miles that she did not even notice George’s expressions. “I am technically single; I’m a single mom.”

The light went off in George’s eyes.


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