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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Catelyn could not resist and muttered, “Master Cedrick, you’re lucky to have a good bodyguard like Eason. You should show him some respect and be nice.”

Cedrick came closer and lifted her chin using the tip of his fingers. He secretly exerted a little more force than necessary. Her pale skin turned slightly pink where he pinched.

“Since when did i ‘disrespect’ him?”

Catelyn could feel his breath down her neck. She found it awkward to be holding his gaze and wanted to push him away, but he was still holding her chin, so she was rather vulnerable.

“I just think that Eason was quite a responsible person. You should not be so rude, or you will lose his loyalty.”

Cedrick moved his fingers from the tip of her chin to caress the corner of her lips and said in a deep voice, “So, I should thank you for your advice?”

“I…” Catelyn felt she was in danger. From the corner of her eyes, she saw a few suspicious men standing by the door and suddenly pushed Cedrick away. “Who’s there!” Cedrick turned and saw the people at the door too. The men looked guilty when they saw Cedrick, and all bowed to greet him.

Cedrick waved his hand for them to come in.

The man in the lead was a middle-aged, slightly plump man. He wore a blue suit and was balding on top.

He bowed to Cedrick as soon as he came in and smiled like a friendly, harmless middle-aged man.

“Master… Master Cedrick, it was my mistake. I did not know that Ms. Catelyn was one of your people. I have fired whoever was involved. They had been bribed to frame Miss Catelyn. I hope you do not mind…”

“Mr. Denson, it looks like you are not that good at disciplining your people,” Cedrick took one look at him and said nonchalantly.


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