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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 Catelyn sniffled as she tried to suppress the sorrow she felt.

Ollie was just a child that was barely four-year-old after all, so he would not press on a topic that he knew would upset Catelyn. With that, he tried whatever he could to cheer Catelyn up and talked about the things that happened at school, such as what the teacher taught them, what he did, and how many red flowers he had gotten.

Catelyn’s attention was diverted, but the despair she felt lingered, all while she wondered if her baby would have survived had she been more careful.

At noon, the Mexicaean meat stew came fresh out of the stove.

Both Stella and Catelyn were excited, but Ollie could not help but feel troubled.

He could not stomach spicy food. Just a little bit from last time had him suffering through hell, and the dinner right in front of him at the moment was clearly even spicier. He could only scowl at the food.

“Miles, why aren’t you eating?” Catelyn filled his plate with a spoonful of stew.

Ollie summoned his courage and forced a smile to pretend like he was pleased, before swallowing the meat without chewing. “I just like it so much that I didn’t know where to start.

“You naughty boy! You only like your mom’s cooking and not mine, huh?” Stella teased.

Ollie smiled. “Grandma’s cooking is great, too.”

“I don’t want your fake compliments.”


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