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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 54

Shortly after the photo incident, the Personnel Department of the Morrison Group suddenly issued a series of notifications, including the resignation of Carmen Bond.

All of the employees in the design department were talking about it at once.

"What's the matter? Isn't it said that Carmen will be promoted to vice director of design? Why does she resign?"

"Are there some secret details about the plagiarism?"

"Not really. Hasn't Semesta paid our company the copyright fee?"

"Don't guess. She seems to have changed her job. This time, because of the plagiarism, she has been famous. Other company hired her. Maybe the treatment is much better than ours."


Jocelyn also heard their gossips.

In fact, Carmen's departure was a good thing for everyone in the design department. The competition was so fierce that everyone would feel relaxed if there was one less opponent.

However, Jocelyn thought that the resignation of Carmen was caused deliberately by someone. And it was very possibly related to Arthur.

When she came home from work, Morrison family was rarely in the living room, even Nicola who was always not at home, was in the living room.

After saying hello to them, she originally wanted to ask Arthur about it, but the servant stopped her.

"Young lady, in the afternoon, a young woman came and sent you an invitation card."

"Invitation card?" Jocelyn was stunned slightly and took the white invitation card. She opened it and walked towards the sofa. She just had a glance at the invitation card, then there was someone who snatched it very quickly.

Immediately, came out Julia's surprising and jealous voice in the living room.

"Did Mrs. Ruskin invite you to Nanshan Hot Spring Resort to join a wine banquet?"

The attention of the people in the living room was attracted by this sharp and high voice. As soon as Abner heard the name of Mrs. Ruskin, he looked very happy and put down the newspaper.

"That's a good thing. Mrs. Ruskin is well-connected in Yanjing. No matter in which industry, she has friends. The business this time was achieved with her help. You can't ignore this banquet and you have to go anyway. We still need her help in the future."

Jocelyn nodded obediently, "I know, Dad."

"What do you know?" Julia was obviously dissatisfied. She looked at Abner and said, "Dad, you also know her character. It's good that she didn't lose face in front of others. Mrs. Ruskin exclusively invited her to attend the banquet this time. There will be no one who can help her when something happens."

Her voice was not too loud and not too low, which was appropriately heard by all the people in the living room. And she completely didn't consider that Jocelyn would be embarrassed.

After Julia finished her speaking, Jocelyn was not angry but gently smiled.

"If Julia, you want to go, you can go with me."

Julia was apparently stunned, but still was arrogant.

"What relation does it have to me? I was not invited."

"Unfortunately, Arthur will not accompany me to attend this kind of occasion. I have few chances to attend this kind of occasion. If I'm really as nervous and stupid as Julia said, it will be terrible."

On hearing this, Julia was obviously complacent, but she nodded reluctantly.

"If that's the case, I'll go with you, lest you make the Morrison family lose face."

There was a sneer coming out beside.

"What are you laughing at?" Julia glared at Nicola with dissatisfaction.

"Laugh at you. You obviously want to go, but you have to find some grand excuse to tease the person who takes you out. If you really go there, I think it is more likely for you to lose face!"


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