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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 55

As soon as she turned around, she saw Antony coming over with a smile as if he was afraid that others wouldn't know their relationship.

Jocelyn was annoyed. In order to avoid being misunderstanding by others, she slightly stepped back.

"It's hard to refuse a friend's invitation. I didn't expect to meet you here, Dr.Warren."

"Well, I seldom met you at such a feast before."

Jocelyn looked at Julia from the corner of her eyes and saw that she was grim and then suddenly she thought of something. She continued.

"Does not you know that, even if others don't know that it is impossible for me to come out and join any party in these three years?

Antony was shocked, apparently not expecting that Jocelyn mentioned the embarrassing past herself.

Julia looked relaxed now and arrogant. She complained,

"Antony has no time to notice you. Don't you be ashamed to speak out this kind of thing?"

Being teasing, Jocelyn deliberately pretended to be indifferent and did not say anything.

Looking at that Antony was seemingly guilty and trying to help her, she suddenly said, "Doctor Antony, if you want to talk with Julia, I will not disturb you. I'll go and say hello to Mrs. Ruskin."

The word "disturb" was effective enough to make herself get rid of the embarrassing relationship between them.

Julia was obviously happy, but thinking that she was just rejected not long ago, she had to pretend to be reluctant and hummed, "Who's going to talk with him?"

Jocelyn wanted to laugh but she still looked indifferent. She just left before Antony could say anything. After walking away, she heard the voice of Julia behind.

"Antony, you haven't contacted me since you left my house last time. Are you avoiding me?"


Jocelyn walked around the banquet site and soon found Mrs. Ruskin in the crowd of people. Although it was her friend's Hot Spring Villa that opened for business. But judging from her enthusiastic help, Jocelyn was afraid that she also invested in this villa.

"Jocelyn, come on, come on." Mrs. Ruskin saw Jocelyn at once and waved her over with a smile.

Mrs. Song was surrounded by many businessmen in suits and leather shoes. They were curious to see her coming with a strange woman.

"This is?"

"This is my new friend," Mrs. Ruskin said, holding Jocelyn's hand happily and introducing her to the public, "Jocelyn is a very good jewelry designer."

Mrs. Ruskin did not mention the Morrison family, which was out of Jocelyn's expectation.

It was reasonable to introduce the most memorable information about the person when introducing the person to others. And the most characteristic information about her was the identity as the eldest daughter-in-law of Morrison family.

"Jewelry Designer?" A middle-aged man in his forties looked at her and wondered, "Excuse for my bad memory, I've seen most of the good jewelry designers in Yanjing, even for the ones I haven't seen, I know their names. But it seems I've never heard of this one before."


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