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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 59

Jocelyn briefly introduced the thing Stan and Monica did at the wedding and clearly explained the reason why Monica disliked her. Mrs. Ruskin was even more unhappy at the moment.

"Monica is really cheeky. The two elders in Leonard and Joanne just have died for such a short time, she and Stan are so greedy that they covet the things belonging to Leonard family."

In order not to make Mrs. Ruskin think too much, Jocelyn added, "Actually, I didn't take it seriously. I didn't expect that they had been bothered about it for so long. So when we talked about them before, you didn't mention this matter."

"It is because you are tolerant," Mrs. Ruskin said indignantly. "This kind of person who seeks revenge for the smallest grievance must do something evil to you in the future. You should be careful. Today, it is me that don't arrange well, so that she gets a chance to hurt you. By the way, Antony lets me tell you something."

Mentioning "Antony", Jocelyn looked a little nervous. "What is it?"

She also knew that Antony was the cousin of Mrs. Ruskin and he was the son of Mrs. Ruskin's cousin. Their relationship was very close, but Antony was a doctor and was too busy usually, so that only a few people knew their relationship.

Today, why Mrs. Ruskin came to help in time was because of Antony.

"He said today's matter is his fault. In order not to be misunderstood any more, he will not meet you. In fact, he has been in a bad mood during this period of time, so I let him come to the villa to rest for a few days. He has been living in the place next to your partition I arranged for you. But he did not expect that today there was something wrong with the air conditioner. So, the waiter temporarily exchanged the room for him.

"Temporarily exchanged?"

Mrs. Ruskin knew what Jocelyn was suspicious of, then she helplessly said, "Now I can't find out which waiter changed it for him. It certainly didn't happen so coincidentally. It must have something to do with Monica."

Jocelyn nodded in agreement.

"I've asked James to re-select all the waiters in the villa. It is fortunate that nothing happened today. If something happens, I must lose my face. Antony is a good boy, just a little innocent. Don't blame him considering the relationship between us.

"It's all a misunderstanding, and he didn't mean it."

"You are right," Mrs. Ruskin smiled. "Originally, I invited Antony to attend the banquet today for fear that you don't know others and will be bored . He has worked in the Morrison family for many years. You should be able to have something to talk about and you will not feel bored. Unexpectedly, the second daughter of the Morrison family has a quick temper. After you returning home, I'm afraid they must trouble you."

"I am upright and don't do anything evil. I am not afraid. Don't worry"

Jocelyn put down her hand and showed the red and swollen marks on her face with a cunning look. "And with this on my face, I'm a victim, too."

Seeing that she was still in a mood to tease herself, Mrs. Ruskin laughed.

"You, a little girl, you are very young and smart."


At night, there was crying coming out in the living room of Morrison family.

Julia's eyes were swollen.

When Jocelyn came back later, the atmosphere at home was already very depressed. Jocelyn thought that Julia had already explained the causes and consequences of the incident.

The old master sat on the sofa and looked very serious.

Abner and Selena were sitting on the sofa on the left hand. Julia was still sobbing in Selena's arms. On the right hand was Nicola, who was looking on coldly what would happen next. On the other hand, Arthur, who was sitting in a wheelchair and reading the newspaper as if this matter had no relationship with him.

It was a serious joint trial.

Chapter 59: Was It a Serious Joint Trial 1


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