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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 11

Three years later;

In the Forrester Pack.

"Again?" Ken shouted at his Betas and Omegas, "How come the rogue problem is occurring again and again? How can we not find their entry point even after we had installed the wireless hidden cameras? They have managed to hurt 7 people, abduct 15 kids and 20 female wolves. Now you are telling me that they have even managed to kill old man Quinn?" His demeanor had every wolf in the meeting shaking in their shoes.

"Actually Alpha, they managed to kill two people, old man Quinn and his mate. We just got the news from the medical facility, she couldn't make it. Perhaps we should consider recalling our warriors in the city?", one of the Omegas suggested.

"And make them sitting ducks? We should think of moving the pack to a safe place instead.", another wolf chimed in.

"We don't have the facilities to move an entire pack to another location. We are short on funds and our relations with other packs have been degrading since a couple of years. If anything, our neighbours are waiting to see us fail so they can obtain a chunk of our lands.", a Beta commented.

"I know the problems. I want solutions. Can anybody suggest something worthwhile, please?", Ken bit out bitterly.

"How about going to the Council for help? I have heard that one of their teams called Wrath of the Moon is top notch in solving rogue problems.", Xander drawled slowly.

"Do you think the council will help us?", Ken asked a bit worried.

"Do you have any other solution?", Xander asked Ken.

"They seem to be our best shot.", an Omega mumbled.

"They are our only shot unless we want to disband the pack?", Xander replied.

"Fine. Father and I will head to Council Headquarters in two days. Xander, do you think you can hold the fort until we return?", Ken asked.

Xander simply nodded his head.

"Fine then, meeting is dismissed.", Ken said.


The Council:

Maya and her team walks into Councilman Dylan's office.

"Team Leader Maya. Gentlemen and Ladies.", Dylan greets them with a smile.

"Councilman Dylan", the team greets him as one.

In the last three years, Dylan had moved up the ladder and was now working as a Councilman. He had assigned Maya as the Team Leader of the Wrath of the Moon team. Maya being a natural born leader had been able to take over the team and create a wide known reputation of the team as being able to solve rogue problems.

Dylan took a look at all the individuals present in the room. Each and everyone of them were recruited by Dylan to create the new team of Wrath of the Moon. The team consisted of four people; apart from Maya, who each have their own special talents. Ryder and Marina constitute the brains of the team whereas Andy and Jeff constitute the brawn.

Dylan had spent a whole year polishing them into warriors and then another year helping them grow into their own talents. Maya had started accepting assignments from her second year in the headquarters, as a result she was directly placed incharge of the team. Then, making use of the prestige of the team already created by it's former members, Maya built the team a name in problem solving.

Problems like pack feud, territory issues, rogue attacks, etc. were tackled by her and the team. With impeccable logic and quick wit, she had managed to get the team to quickly accept her as the Leader.

However, despite all of her achievements there were times when she remembers the past and breaks down. At such times, the team knew about her story and did their best to ease her pain just a tiny bit. Each and everyone of them had a past from which they were rescued.


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