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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 21

It was deep in the night and Maya had finished her work. She had organised warriors such that they were ready to battle at a moment's notice. The Council had been notified of the situation and they were sending backup as well as ammunition.

Marina had successfully marked out the rogues location and their numbers. If it was not for the fact that the pack didn't trust Maya much, she would have led them in the battle to capture the rogues. But as things stood, she could only wait for the rogues to attack or the back up to arrive.

It had been a long, hectic day for her. She made her way to the roof garden of the common pack house and stood there for a while trying to calm herself. Gentle winds blew the strands of her hair that framed her face. Moonlight shone down on her as if Moon Goddess Luna was lending her strength. But the calm was short-lived, she felt a presence behind her and turned to find Claire standing there.

"Luna Forrester." Maya said to acknowledge her presence and then started walking towards the stairs. She didn't want to have a conversation with Claire. Her patience was already running thin.

"Maya, wait. I wanted to say something. My brother, he... loves you. He wants to start a new life with you. We all want to start a new life with you. So... Can you please forgive us? I really want to get to know you better. Please Maya..." Claire said, stopping Maya as she passed.

Maya turned to face Claire with her back to the stairs. Maya smiled a bit, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. She took a step in the direction of Claire and said, "Why do you think I would want to live with a criminal?"

Claire was taken aback with her question. She said her voice breaking a bit, "Maya... What I did that day was a mistake. I sold you in that seedy bar because I thought your father killed our parents. If I had known the truth, I would never have done that. I tried all ways to locate you, to find you and get you back to the family." Claire had tears flowing from her eyes. She presented a picture of purity and sadness.

"Really?" Maya asked amused.

"Yes!" Claire replied with conviction.

"Then why didn't you rescue me when you found me after a week of my captivity? Why did you told Leandro to ensure that I will never return to the pack? Why Claire?" Maya questioned her Alpha tone leaking into her voice.

"What? What are you talking about, Maya? I... I didn't... find you..." Claire fumbled around trying to explain.

Maya smirked before speaking anything. She said, "Claire, do you remember that day when Ken accused me of using rogues to cause problems for the Forrester pack? I told him 'If I made a formal complaint against Luna Forrester at the Council they would have backed me up. Afterall, she had left plenty of evidence against herself.' I didn't say it for fun. Leandro had secretly recorded your little visit. Everything that you said is on tape."

Claire stumbled back gaping at Maya. She was really scared of her but Maya didn't stop. She continued, "You wanted power, didn't you Claire? You thought if I came back after a mere week then how would the power of Luna land in your hand? You had to win Ken's love and the pack's loyalty. You had to get pregnant for that. That is why you buried the information, and came down to give Leandro more money. You asked him to ensure that I would never get back to the pack. He raped me to ensure that. And now... Now you want me back so that the natural dissolution of the pack stops. Am I right, Luna Forrester?"

"If... if you truly had proof then why didn't you go to Council? You are bluffing. You have no evidence of my visit." Claire said, sure of her words. She smirked a little at Maya.

"Do you know that when we were 5 years old, Ken wanted to blow the candles and cut the cake by himself, even though we are twins? I let him have it. When we were 8 years old, he wanted my bicycle as he crashed his. I let him have it. When we were 18 years old, he wanted the Alpha title even when he lost the test. I let him have it. When I returned back after 8 months of captivity, he wanted me to leave the pack. I let him have it. When he chose his mate over his twin sister, I let him have it. But now, I have nothing left to give to him. Just... Nothing." After completing her speech, Maya turned towards the stairs to leave the roof.

She was surprised to see Xander and Ken standing. By the looks on their face Maya guessed that they must have heard a fair amount, if not everything.

Maya's stiffened for a moment before breaking into a stride. She left them standing on the roof with the truth laid bare in front of them. The truth that would show them the darkness in their souls.


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