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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 23

When Xander regained consciousness, he was in the medical facility of the pack. His shoulder was bandaged heavily to help set the bones but being were, his healing abilities had already kicked in and were able to repair most of the damage. He looked around the room.

A few of his pack warriors along with his parents were in the room with him. His parents wore a worried expression, their posture screamed exhaustion.

"Maya?" Xander questioned with a single word. That word was enough to convey his meaning.

"She is handling the pack matters with the Council." his mother replied.

"Want to meet." Xander groaned.

"Sweetheart, I don't think she wants to meet you or any of us." she replied.

Marina came in just as she finished talking. "Excuse me guys, Councilman Dylan wants to meet with the Lockhart family. He is waiting for you in the conference room." The Lockhart parents nodded to Marina and left the room.

"Marina..." Xander called out to the leaving Marina, "I... I want to meet Maya."

"She is busy with the back up and medic team. I think you should meet with Councilman Dylan first and foremost. We may have a way to stop the natural dissolution of the pack." she replied tersely.

Xander nodded and pushed himself off the bed. He stood up with help of a pack warrior and slowly made his way to the conference room. The warriors left after ensuring he could walk to the conference room.


In the conference room, the Forrester family was already present with Dylan  in the presiding chair and the Lockhart family joined them. Marina entered and closed the door, after which she spelled the room against eavesdroppers.

"I believe we may have a solution to prevent natural dissolution of the pack." Dylan began without exchanging any pleasantries.

"Please tell us. We are ready to do anything to help." Ken Forrester replied.

"Please understand, the Moon Goddess Luna wants to dissolve the pack and that will happen. We cannot avoid it or stop it. However, we may be able to keep the remaining pack members together under another Alpha. We don't want them to turn out like the Desmond pack moving from one place to another because no one will accept them." Dylan explained.

"What do you suggest?" Justin asked.

"Revival of Lockhart pack." Dylan stated calmly. Everyone in the room was shocked by his words and Xander, whose attention was wandering, suddenly looked at Dylan in surprise.

"What are you talking about?" Xander asked him.

"Well basically once the connection of the pack completely breaks with Alpha Ken, you can take over as the new Alpha. The pack might be smaller in size but you would be able to lead them legitimately. Other Alphas' would have to accept your power and acknowledge your aura but we can easily arrange that." Dylan continued calmly.

"I thought that in a natural dissolution, everyone in the pack loses their power, aura and their strength diminishes. Wouldn't Xander be affected by the same?" Marcus Lockhart questioned.

"Actually, Xander is an Alpha blood and would have been a true Alpha of the pack, if the attack hadn't happened. Technically he is not directly linked with Forrester pack and his Alpha powers never diminished. He is just so used to keeping them leashed that no one would have expected him to be a true Alpha. Also, we have his records on strength and speed. When we compared them with his previous records, we found that he was spared from the natural dissolution." Dylan continued to allay their doubts calmly.

"We can stay together. I will be the Alpha's sister and you guys will be the Alpha's parents. We don't have to separate." Claire exclaimed.

"Actually Luna Forrester, you and Alpha Forrester will be taken in custody to face a trial for staging a coup, kidnapping, misleading the pack and non-human trafficking." Dylan's harsh words cut in Claire's daydream.

"But... But why... I mean... Maya never placed an official complaint with the Council. She didn't want to hurt her brother and her family. Was that just a lie?" Claire spoke her voice trembling at the thought of harsh punishment.


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