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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 45

Not Yet Time


I was sleeping in my coffin, as usual, thought of Amelia and how desperate I wished to see her.

I miss her so much and her tempting lips but I need to keep it low mostly because of my brother that is so desperate to prove to father about the humans in our world.

I must protect Amelia at all cost.

Closing my eyes it was as if I was connected with Freya somehow, but I wasn't seeing her.

"Dimitro, Amelia life will be in danger soon, your once true love and brother might not show her mercy, and also you three kinds might need to work together soon enough because the war that might come soon will cost so much to you all and once the enemy succeeds, you all might fade off or become slaves for everlasting"

The voice reminds me of my mother, could it be my mother talking to me or what, this can't be Freya, I know full well it was my mother voice but I wasn't seeing the person.

I opened my eyes and the first person that came to my thought was the well-being of Amelia.

I opened the door so I can rush to check on her that was when I found a gift at my entrance, I didn't notice anyone around when I saw it.

"Esther", I said to myself for I knew only Esther gives a gift in this manner, now I know the guard seeing Esther wasn't an illusion but was real.

" How did Esther return from the dead? How possible could that be? She isn't a witch or something, now she is back, what could she be after right now and why will she send me her gift and not show herself"

All these questions bothered me so much that I got confused that was when a letter from the gift fell off.

I opened it to read the content and it says," My love Dimitro, I can't wait to see you or better still I have a surprise for you soon, you know how I love surprising you and you won't see it coming but for now, is not yet time. See you soon".

I squeezed the paper with anger and my eyes changed out of range, I was about heading to check on Amelia to be guaranteed her safety is for sure.

I notice Gustavo was monitoring me so I had to change direction and will go see her when he won't take notes I left.


I noticed the strange gathering of other witches and I started feeling so unease but I just couldn't figure out what the problem was.

I overheard them say, "I never trusted her one bit, if we put hands together, we get strip her of the position"

Then I notice Nora dragging me out, "Where you taking me to Nora?", I asked her.

" Don't worry, will tell you but we need to leave here right now", she said.

I always trust her so I went with her.


Chapter 45- Not Yet Time 1

Chapter 45- Not Yet Time 2


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