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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 46

Love is Pain


"If I haven't lost count I must say we are spending close to a month in this scary world", I said to Amelia and Catalina friends that were seated with me.

" Exactly, we have no hope in returning to our world, maybe we might be stuck here forever, no signs of door anywhere from Amelia lover that's a beast", said Julieta playing with Martina's hair.

"Seems Amelia, Catalina, and few others are getting used to this world, maybe we just start learning how to survive here and hoping the beasts here won't drain our blood", Chloe added.

" You are right, let's start adjusting to this life for the person that made us come here is happy and not ready to return, she loves him", Martina added.

"Whatever, I want to have a view around, this is my new home now", Sofia said.



I became used to this part of life gradually but one person am scared of is Amelia my crush, if that beast hurts her in any way, I will kill him.

His not to be trusted in any way.

Amelia walked towards me, smiling, and said," Gael, hope you slept well?".

"Not really, this place is still scary and the howl sounds every night", I replied to her.

" Oh don't be scared okay for Dimitro will protect us and making sure no harm comes to us okay?".

She said this with full assurance.

"Hope you know I still care for you, why not give me a chance, you know mr too well than he you just meet, sometimes I wonder what I lack that makes you not to love and accept me in your life", I said holding her hands.

She took off her hands and said," I thought we are over this, I love you as a friend but I find true love with Dimitro so please just let it go okay, whatever you have for me, his trying his best to get us back to our world and I will love it if you don't bring this up again", she said and took her leave.

"Why does love hurt?", I asked myself.

Immediately I turned around I saw Dimitro, I was frightened and he said," She doesn't want you so let her be okay and then we can both get along!".

"I don't care what you are or how powerful you her but if harm should come to Amelia, you will be facing me in battle", I said to him.

" I love your guts", he said and left with speed and I know he's going to hang out with Amelia as usual.

I decided to take a walk to clear my head, I was walking to a destination I knew not, this was when I overheard a girl crying.

"What if it's a trap, maybe have walked too far, I should kindly return", I argued with myself.

I later had no choice but to take the risk by tracing the crying voice and finally it was a damsel crying.

" Are you alright young lady?", I asked her.

"Kill me already now you have the chance, but if you fail to, I will use my powers to kill you instead", she threatened and I won't lie, am scared at what she just said to me.

" Hey am not here to kill you, am just a friend, why are you here all alone crying?", I asked.

"Now you getting it", she said turning around, saying strange things I haven't heard before.

Seeing the lighting from her hands throw at me, I had to dodge it saying," Am not a monster please, I was just trying to help you am human please".

Chapter 46- Love Is Pain 1

Chapter 46- Love Is Pain 2


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