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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 103


Chapter 103 Resistance 

Have you finished filming today?” 

I just finished and returned to the hotel.” 

Sarah, I have something to ask you. How is Troy treating you now? How is your relationship now? Has he mentioned marrying you?” 

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a while

Seeing Sarah’s reaction, Bill realized something, and his face was solemn

The relationship between Sarah and Troy seemed to be in crisis now

Joseph was worried on the surface, but he was secretly relieved. There was a problem between Sarah and Troy, and Bilkwould definitely not have the energy to ask him for shares

He knew that the closer Sarah and Troy were, the more proud Bill would be. If they really got married, Bill and Sarah would have Troy’s backing, and maybe they would have the final say in the company

Joseph didn’t want to see this kind of thing happen. Those shares should belong to him

Dad, why did you suddenly ask about this?Sarah said

Tell me the truth. What happened to you two? Your uncle met Troy and Imogen in the clubhouse today.” 

Sarah was silent again

Sarah, I’m your uncle. If you have trouble, just tell me and your dad, and we will support you. If there is any problem between you and Troy, let us know the truth, and we will help you deal with it. You have to remember that we are a family. If you are happy, we’ll be fine too,Joseph said. Uncle, Dad,Sarah said aggrievedly, Troy said he wanted to break up with me.” 

Break up?Bill froze for a moment and said, It is impossible. Mr. Marshall loves you so much, and how could he break up with you? Did you make him angry?” 

Sarah sobbed and said, Dad, I also think this is impossible, but I had a quarrel with Troy. He said that he wanted to break up with me and that he wanted to be with Imogen. We have been separated for so long, and our relationship is weak. It’s all because of Imogen! She took advantage of the time we separated and seduced Troy! Uncle, Dad, you must help me!” 

Don’t cry. Just tell us the truth. We’ll help you with this.” 

Well, it’s” 

Sarah briefly talked about what happened on September 20th. When it came to the relationship between Troy and Imogen, she didn’t say that the two were married but insisted that Imogen seduced Troy during the time

After listening, Bill said, Sarah, don’t worry. Mr. Marshall is just angry with you for a while. Don’t worry. I will help you deal with Imogen!” 

Well, thank you, Dad!” 

Sarah snorted coldly after hanging up the phone, Dad, just wait and see. I won’t let you down!” 

She didn’t believe Imogen could occupy Troy’s heart forever

Troy could only belong to her, and she wouldn’t allow anyone to take him away

Then Bill made a phone call, Go gather Imogen’s information. I need it to be detailed.” 


On the way home, there were neon lights flashing outside the car windows, and the scenery was clearer on the glass on both sides of the car

Imogen looked at the car window, to be precise, at the reflection of Troy on the car window. The man had a clear outline, looking delicate and tough

He had handsome browbones and raised Adam’s apple, the sex appeal of a mature man

Imogen turned her head and smiled lightly. Did you deliberately play a small hand just now?Troy remained calm. No.” 

Really? Then why did you play such a small hand both times? I don’t believe your dozen cards. didn’t have bigger cards than four and five.” 

Troy smiled faintly, stretched out to take Imogen’s hand, pinched her fingers, and did not speak. How do you know what cards I’m holding?Imogen asked curiously

Troy looked at her serious expression. It’s actually quite simple. I can tell the general situation of your cards by watching you play the cards. And I can guess it by watching your reactions when others played their cards.” 

In fact, it was the socalled card counting

Imogen remembered then that Troy did a double major in math and finance at university. And he got excellent grades on both

This time, she felt the gap between her and Troy again

At first, to follow his footsteps, she chose marketing, which also belonged to the School of Economics and Management as finance, and worked very hard to keep her grades at the forefront

But he handled it efficiently

In the year she was in college, he had already graduated, but his legend still circulated in the college. In the memorial hall of the college history museum, among the honorary alumni, he was ranked twentieth, and in front of him were academicians and professors who were over half a century old. They all had their own prestige and extremely high contributions in their respective fields

What are you thinking?Troy asked

NothingImogen shook her head

Troy didn’t continue this topic and changed other subjects

There’s a reception tomorrow night. Do you want to go with me?Troy asked

Imogen kept silent. She rarely attended this kind of banquet these years. On the one hand, it was because she was too busy with work, On the other hand, she didn’t like it. People in the circle didn’t think highly of her, and she didn’t want to associate with them

In her heart, she was still an ordinary girl

She recalled the last charity dinner

The dinner was magnificent, but all she could remember was the cold pool water and the bracelet that was given to Sarah

Imogen spoke, You can ask your secretary to accompany you.” 


Chapter 103 Resistance 

His eyes fell on Imogen’s face, and he said slowly, Then I won’t go either. I will accompany you.” 


Why not? Don’t worry. It’s not an important reception.” 

Hearing what he said, Imogen frowned and didn’t speak

After they got home, Imogen stayed in the study until eleven o’clock and then returned to the master bedroom to wash up

She pushed open the bathroom door and was about to go in when she froze in place

There was someone in the bathroom

Of course, it was Troy

According to his old habit, he usually worked until half past eleven, so Imogen had not expected him to come out of his study so early today

Troy looked like he had just taken a shower. He was covered with only a towel around his waist. As for whether there were any clothes under the towel, Imogen didn’t know

He showed a strong back, his broad shoulders and narrow waist in the shape of an inverted triangle, exuding the breath of male hormones

His hair was wet, and when looking in the mirror, two strands of hair hung down on his forehead, and he looked several years younger

His chin was covered with white foam, and he was cleaning the stubble off his face with a razor in his hand

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he raised his eyes and met Imogen’s gaze through the 


I’m sorry.” 

Imogen was in a daze. Then she immediately withdrew, took the toiletries, and went to the public bathroom outside to wash up

Standing in front of the sink and looking at the mirror in front of her, she replayed in her mind what she had just seen

She had to say that even though she and Troy had been married for three years and had a good sex life, she was still amazed by Troy’s body


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