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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 104


Chapter 104 I Trust You 

Early the next morning

When Imogen woke up, Troy was already up

He was fully dressed, sitting at the dining table waiting for her to have breakfast together, and then went to the company together after breakfast

There was a knock on the office door. Imogen looked up from the computer and said, Come in.” 

Lane pressed the doorknob and came in from the outside. Ms. Forbes, Mr. Marshall asked me to send you a document.” 

Put it there.Imogen pointed to the desk in front of her


After Lane left, Imogen lowered her head, picked up the folder on the table, and looked through 

  1. it

paper, on which

What was placed in the file folder was not any serious document but a piece of was Troy’s itinerary for the last week, with details, including the social gatherings at noon and night every day

In the past, he would also report the itinerary to her, but not in such detail

For example, it was written that Troy had to go for a business lunch today

At this moment, his message came. [I’m not at the company at noon. I’ve had someone order lunch for you. After eating, you can go to my lounge for a rest.


During Imogen’s break at noon, Lane delivered the takeaway

After Imogen finished lunch, she went to Troy’s lounge and napped for a while

When she woke up, the break was close to its end

Imogen put on her shoes, tidied her clothes, and was about to go out when she suddenly heard voices in the office outside

Is there anything else?” 

This was Troy’s voice

He should have come back from outside

There is one more personal matter.A female voice sounded

This was Charlene’s voice

Charlene said, Mr. Marshall, today is my birthday, and I plan to invite colleagues from the department to dinner and then the bar, I see you postponed tonight’s cocktail party. How about we go together?” 

I’ll consider it.” 

Charlene looked at Troy’s faint expression. Mr. Marshall, please do me a favor. Consider it a department gathering. They will be very happy if you go. I heard that you just went to a hot spring resort with another department not long ago. It’s not good to favor one over the other.Okay, I got it.” 

Then, I’ll send you the address.” 



Soon there was the sound of high heels leaving outside

Imogen pushed open the door of the lounge

Troy was standing by the window wall. When he heard the voice, he walked toward Imogen. Are you awake?” 


Charlene hosted a department gathering tonight for her birthday, and I have to go. Do you want to go with me?” 

Imogen glanced at him. You know that Charlene and I have a bad relationship. It’s her birthday. Wouldn’t she vomit her guts out if I went? Plus, I’m not from their department.” 

So what if you’re not from their department? Can they drive you away if you go with me?Then who should I go as?” 

What do you think? A colleague? OrMy wife?” 

Imogen raised her eyes to look at Troy, and he looked at her too. His eyes were serious and sincere

Imogen lowered her eyes and pursed her lower lip lightly. You should go by yourself.” 

There were already rumors about them in the company. If she went there with him, she would probably never clear those rumors

Of course, those rumors were true, to begin with

However, Imogen just did not want to make it public

Didn’t you say that Charlene likes me? Aren’t you worried?Troy looked deeply at Imogen

Was she not worried about letting him spend time with Charlene? Was she not jealous at all

Don’t you believe that she likes you?Imogen raised her eyebrows. Besides, I trust you.” 

Troy did not believe that Charlene liked him, which meant that he did not have any thoughts about her and would not have anything with her

Besides, it was better for Imogen to rest more at home since she was pregnant

Seeing Imogen’s trusting eyes, Troy suddenly felt defeated

He did not feel joyful from being trusted at all

All right” 

Since Imogen did not want to go, Troy would not force it

Then I will go back to work first.” 


Imogen went out of the office. Suddenly, her footsteps stopped

Charlene was standing not far away, looking at her with burning eyes

Imogen smiled faintly. Ms. Johnson, good afternoon.” 

Charlene glared at Imogen, then left with a cold snort

After getting off work in the evening, Imogen went home first

Charlene had booked a country food restaurant


Sit.” Troy sat down and spoke

The employees sat down around the round table in twos and threes

It was difficult to distinguish between the host and the guest seats at the round table. Thus, the place where Troy sat was the main seat, and Charlene and another deputy director were on his left and right

The dishes were ordered in advance, and they were served soon after everyone was seated

Charlene specifically asked Troy what he liked to eat on Facebook, and Troy only replied, Anything is fine, and ask everyone for their opinions.” 

Charlene could not ask any more questions

After working together for so many years, she and Troy had eaten at the same table many times, and they never saw Troy preferring any dish

He was mature and sophisticated and never showed his emotions

Troy picked up his cutlery, and the other employees began to eat slowly

Every department had one or two outgoing people, and the public relations department was no exception. The dinner table quickly became lively

Troy leaned against the back of the chair, held his wine glass, and occasionally said a few words. Some people were like this. They could exude an accumulated intimidating aura just by sitting there

Charlene picked up the serving spoon, picked up a spoon full of green vegetables, and put them on the plate in front of Troy. Mr. Marshall, do you like to eat this?” 

Troy glanced at the green vegetables on the plate. Instead of answering, he just said, Thank you. You don’t need to take food for me.” 

Speechless, Charlene put down the serving spoon

She kept paying attention to Troy, and the vegetables on his plate remained untouched

Charlene felt upset in her heart

At this time, the screen of Troy’s phone on the table lit up

The message prompt was the icon of Facebook

Troy picked up the phone and unlocked it. Within a split second of replying to the message, Charlene caught a glimpse of the contact name at the top of the dialog box on the screen. It was Imogen

However, she could not see what Imogen had sent. Watching Troy typing and replying, Charlene felt like a cat scratching her heart

Imogen replied again. Troy smiled and continued typing

Speaking of which, Troy seldom used Facebook. Most of the time, he just called and sent emails. Furthermore, it was even rarer to see him glued to his phone and Facebook like he was now. Watching Troy’s movements, Charlene suddenly thought of the interaction between Troy and Imogen. She felt sour in her heart and could not help but clench her spoon tightly

At this moment, the screen of Troy’s phone lit up again

He was just about to reply when Charlene said beside him, Mr. Marshall, I would like to offer you a toast. Thank you for taking care of me over the years. I will do my best to contribute to Marshall 



Chapter 184 I Trust You 


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