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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121 He Was Locked Out 

Carey moved his lips, unable to speak

Just now, Rex said he feared being troubled but didn’t expect to be found so soon

They didn’t talk. And Troy didn’t bother about it and asked, Romance Gossip, Goose Playhouse, and Entertainment Circle Secrets. These accounts belong to your studio, right?” 

There was silence in the room

Carey listened to his heartbeat and lowered his head

He was imposing just now, but now that he knew that Troy would take revenge on them. No one was willing to stand up and be the first to speak

Seeing this, the young man stepped on the injured leg of the employee under his foot. And there was a scream. The employee’s eyes were red. His face was terrified, and his head was sweating profusely

The young man glanced at the crowd. I’m asking you!” 

The employee under his feet gasped and said, They are accounts of our studio. But I’m not in charge. It has nothing to do with me!” 

Troy glanced at him, then at Carey and the others. Who is responsible? Who told you to break the 


Carey swallowed. His legs were weak. And he took a step back silently

The other two employees were not much better

One of them couldn’t bear the pressure, pushed Carey forward, and confessed anxiously, The person in charge of the three accounts is Carey, and Rex took the order. ItIt has nothing to do with me!” 

Carey heard this

Hearing that he was confessed, Carey’s eyes turned red anxiously. Tate, don’t talk nonsense! You operate a hundred phones to manipulate public opinions!” 

Tate hurriedly retorted, What does it have to do with me?! How have I manipulated public opinions if Ted hadn’t contacted other accounts to create momentum? Ken also used fake accounts. How could I do it myself?” 

Ken, next to them, was also anxious. It’s your idea. Don’t push it all on me. I originally wanted to accept the negotiation to delete the post, but you must release the messages!” 

Ted, who was trampled under the feet of the young man, hurriedly shouted, I didn’t do it. They forwarded it because they saw there was a lot of attention! Don’t accuse me!” 

The four quarreled with each other, eager to shirk responsibility

Troy glanced at Carey and the others, and then winked at the young man

The young man went to the door and closed the door, isolating everything in the villa, and then shouted, Shut up!” 

The four fell silent

Who is Rex?Troy sat down on the single sofa

Rex, who had been beaten, trembled and kept silent, trying to fool Troy

Carey hurriedly pointed to Rex and said, Him! He took the order. We are all employees. We had 

no choice” 

Rex shouted angrily, Carey! YouYou were the happiest person when I first received the order!” 

You’re talking nonsense!” 

Troy looked at Rex

The young man walked towards Rex with an iron rod

Rex knelt on the ground. I’ll tell you everything. Don’t hit me. I’ll tell you everything. Someone sent me the video evidence. Let me post the news. Bid two hundred thousand dollars!” 

After all, they also posted information about Troy last time but were not held accountable, so they took chances

If this order were completed, the two hundred thousand dollars would be divided equally, and with the realization of the news, they could get a lot of money

Who’s that person?” 

The remittance account belongs to a person named Neal Short.” 

Troy had no expression on his face. His eyes were deep

Rex raised his head and glanced at Troy. I have chat records and recordings, and I will give them all to you.” 

The young man and several other tattooed men were watching by the side

Troy sat on the sofa, read all the chat records, and listened to all the call recordings

He raised his head and said to the young man, Go back and check this man named Neal Short.Got it.The young man responded

Seeing Troy frown more and his eyes getting deeper, Rex couldn’t help but feel afraid. He should not have accepted this order if he had known earlier

If Troy really wanted to hurt them today, they would be unable to fight back

The few people who came here looked like they were working in gangs and not afraid of going to the police station. And with Troy around, even if Rex called the police, the police might not be able to do anything to Troy

On the contrary, if they intended to take revenge, Rex wouldn’t be able to get rid of them for the rest of his life and could live in peace

Troy raised his eyes and looked at Rex in front of him

Rex trembled all over and begged for mercy, Mr. Marshall, I’m sorry! Let me go! I don’t want the money anymore and will delete the news immediately! I can apologize to you and Ms. Forbes. If you didn’t embarrass me again, I would do anything!” 

This isn’t the first cooperation between you and Neal, right?” 

Rex’s face was paler. His legs were trembling, and he confessed tremblingly, Yes” 

Troy remained silent, and looked at Rex calmly

Rex told everything, Neal came to see me once in August and gave me some photos.” 

Rex glanced tremblingly at Troy’s expression and continued, It’s the photo of you and Ms. Page appearing in Marshall Group together!” 

Anything else?” 


Chapter 121 He Was Locked Out 

No more. Only these two times.” 

Facing Troy’s suspicious eyes, Rex hastily explained, Really! Mr. Marshall, I don’t need to lie to you now. It’s really only these two times. We didn’t post the other news!” 

The other news referred to Troy and Imogen was photographed in the theater

Troy kept the evidence, stood up calmly and walked towards the door

Rex looked at Troy, growing disappointment

Troy opened the door, was about to leave but stopped, turned around, and reminded the young man, Teach them a lesson. Don’t kill anyone.” 

Rex sat paralyzed on the ground

Coming out of the villa, Troy opened the car’s back door and sat in, leaning on the back of the chair, pinching the space between his eyebrows

After closing his eyes for a moment, he remembered something. He touched his pocket, but he didn’t find his phone


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