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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 122



Chapter 122 Deleted the Post and Apologized 

Imogen had a good night’s sleep and even overslept the next day

Before Sue had time to say that Troy had gone home last night, Imogen hurried to work

On the way to the company, Imogen received Instagram news

The title was Romance Gossip Deleted the Post and Apologized

The topic was already a trending topic

Clicking in, Imogen saw the apology statement of Romance Gossip. He deleted all the posts, turned off the comment forwarding permission, and set the account to be visible for half a year. Romance Gossip said he would never delete the post yesterday, but today he deleted it. Anyone could tell the tricks in it. It was because of either a threat or hacking, which had aroused the rebellious psychology of netizens

Even if Romance Gossip deleted the comments on the post, it wouldn’t help. People with good intentions had already recorded screenshots of posts related to Romance Gossip. They made new posts, which attracted many netizens to repost the comments, and some people even sold the film. under the secret code

[Fifty minutes, the two’s actual video in a hotel. Would send me a message if you needed it.] [Imogen’s sexy video with customers. Send me a message to get it.

Rumors about Imogen emerged as the times required. Some people said Imogen could be a director depending on sleeping with men. Some people said that she often entertained clients in bed. Some beauty salons took the opportunity to advertise that Imogen had a private facelift. Liam was filming on location

There were many fighting scenes in action movies. And the fighting scenes designed by martial arts instructors were complicated, and many of them needed to be completed by hanging wire. After several liftoffs, Liam finally landed on the ground. When he got time to rest, the staff member stepped forward to untie the safety rope on his body, and the assistant immediately brought hot water

After resting in the lounge for a while, Liam stood up and went to the public toilet

The conditions of the location were poor. The bathroom was shared by many people. But fortunately, it looked clean

When Liam came, he just heard a few staff members talking inside. To be precise, they were talking dirty.. 

Didn’t she come here last time? She’s pretty coquettish” 

How do you know that? You want her?” 

After speaking, several people inside laughed obscenely

I observed her that day. Her butt and waist looked sexyIf I could, I would keep her comfortable all night” 

She had so many customers. You can’t fuck her.” 

After listening to these words, Liam immediately realized who they were talking about. At that moment, he couldn’t restrain the impulse surging in his mind, rushed in, picked up collar of one person, and swung his fist, causing the person’s nose to bleed


The incident happened unexpectedly. And several people in the bathroom looked dazed

The person who was beaten was very aggrieved, but Liam was a famous star. The person didn’t dare to fight back, so he could only hold his nose and ask, Sir, why did you suddenly hit me?Liam didn’t speak and wanted to step forward to hit the man more, but the people beside him immediately stopped him. Sir, calm down. Calm down. You can talk!” 

Liam was familiar with these staff members after staying on the set for a long time, so he could naturally distinguish their voices

He stopped, looked coldly at the person who spoke first, and suddenly kicked the person’s crotch. The staff member didn’t guard against it and was kicked right on the ground, hunched over

Mr. Liam Thompson, you have a lot of fans, but you can’t hit people casually!A person next to him was dissatisfied

Liam glanced at them one by one and said coldly, Don’t let me hear you spreading rumors behind my back in the future, or get out of here.” 

Several staff members were stunned for a moment and then realized. The staff member who was kicked in his crotch became angry. I forgot just now. Imogen had come to visit you. Aren’t you her guest too? You’re so protective of her. She must be making you happy, right?” 

I will kill you!” 

Liam shouted angrily, rushed forward, and waved his fists

A few people nearby hurried over to stop the fight

Mediating between two quarreling parties was also skillful. Those few staff members were pulling Liam

While struggling, Liam kicked toward the staff member

Seeing that Liam couldn’t hit him, the staff member was even more proud and unscrupulous. Everyone knows that Mr. Marshall and Ms. Page are a couple? Imogen is shameless, but can’t be scolded?” 

The veins on Liam’s forehead twitched suddenly. He broke away from the people pulling him and rushed up. No one could pull him out

In the end, Kevin came over, and the fight finally stopped

Kevin called them into the lounge alone and asked about the cause and effect

Regarding the news on the Internet, Kevin had also seen it. He didn’t know if it was true or not. But the last time they had dinner together, Kevin could tell Liam was interested in Imogen. Knowing that it was because of the staff member who talked about Imogen behind Liam’s back first, Kevin asked the staff member to apologize to Liam first

The staff member was arrogant just now. After calming down, he understood it was not time to be stubborn. If Liam’s fans knew about it, he would be scolded and might lose his job. After all, without thinking, Liam was more important

The staff member apologized, and Kevin asked Liam to apologize to the staff member. Liam was the first to hit

Liam refused to apologize

It was true that Liam hit first, but the three opponents pulled him, and he received no fewer punches than the staff member

The opposite party made a mistake first. Why should Liam apologize

Kevin wanted to persuade Liam, but Liam said, Mr. Jones, no offense. Imogen is my friend. If I swallowed my anger, what kind of man would I be? You don’t need to say any more words!” 

After speaking, Liam turned his head away, looking like he would never give up

Kevin sighed

He admired Liam very much. All along, Liam was gentle, polite, modest, and intellectual. Kevin never expected Liam to have such a stubborn side

The progress of filming had to be postponed because of Liam’s injuries

The assistant director couldn’t help but sigh that this drama was full of twists and turns

Liam’s manager was talking about Liam’s resources outside. After learning about this from his assistant, he hurried to the 


But Liam’s manager was still a step too late

The topic of Liam’s beating on the set quickly became a trending topic, pushing Liam to be a topic


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