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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 123


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Chapter 123 Is Her Life a Sin

Under Imogen’s questioning, Liam only said there were minor conflicts during the filming process and told Imogen not to worry. Imogen was skeptical, so she could only comfort Liam first, Don’t take what those netizens who don’t know the truth say seriously. The most important thing now is to keep your job.” 

Liam replied, Don’t worry.” 

Actually, the opponent’s bad move gave Liam a chance to turn defeat into victory

If the beaten staff member didn’t show up. Liam would be the only one attacked by netizens. However, to expand the discussion, Liam’s opponent let the beaten staff member created an innocent character and forcibly pushed Kevin to Liam’s side

Now Liam and Kevin had become allies

As a big production movie, Cloudwater City attracted a lot of investment. One was because of Sarah, and the other was because of Kevin’s fame

The investor was unwilling to withdraw Kevin’s team, so he had to be firm that Kevin was not at fault. It was Liam’s beating of personnel for a reason, so Kevin asked the staff member to apologize

Therefore, on the surface, it seemed that pressure from public opinion was raging, and Liam was scolded, but it was not enough to make him lose the role of Lawrence. At most, it would affect Liam’s recent endorsements and announcements

If Liam could perform well in Cloudwater City and improve his skills, those endorsements and announcements would be nothing

After learning about these, Imogen felt relieved and continued to work

Suddenly, Imogen’s phone rang

Imogen glanced at it. It was an unfamiliar number

The mobile phone was a workonly mobile phone. And some customers who wanted to cooperate often called from other places asking for numbers

Seeing an unfamiliar number, Imogen was not surprised and pressed the green button to answer, Hello? Who is it?” 

Bitch, you are so cheap. Damn” 

Such cursing words caught Imogen’s ears, which caught Imogen by surprise. She froze for a few seconds before hanging up the phone

These cursing words came out of nowhere, making Imogen a little dizzy and at a loss

A dangerous thought crossed her mind. 

Soon a second strange call came in, different from the previous number

But Imogen had a hunch that this person should also call to scold her

Imogen didn’t answer

A few minutes later, she received a message: [Bitch, go to hell!

It was followed by a second text message: [A mistress who ruins relationships is disgusting. You are the only one in your family, right? You were born as a bitch. I wish you went to hell. Your child will explode on the spot after birth!

More and more phone calls and messages came to her phone

Imogen held her breath. She was sure her phone number was leaked

She opened Facebook. And there was a lot of information about adding friends on Facebook

And those reasons for applying for friends were all swear words

Imogen took a deep breath, calmed down, first set the Instagram to be visible only to friends, and posted: [This account is disabled. Please would get in touch with my assistant if you had anything to do with me. Please call 12345678910 or send me messages.

Then she sent the message to everyone in the phone book by messages and then turned off the phone immediately

Imogen called the assistant over through the internal line and gave a few instructions

After the assistant went out, Imogen checked the pages of her other social accounts. And there was nothing unexpected. They were all full of abused and attacked

Fortunately, her private phone number was not exposed, nor was her other Instagram account found

Imogen’s face was pale. She leaned on the back of the chair, closing her 

She just wanted a stable and peaceful life. Why was it so difficult


Just because she had loved Troy, she deserved to be reduced to this situation where everyone cursed her, as if her life was a sin

Was she really wrong

There was a knock on the door

Imogen opened her eyes and sat up straight. Come in.” 

Miss Forbes, here are the documents needed for the meeting. Please have a look.” 

Imogen remembered that there was a highlevel meeting at ten o’clock, and she was required to report on stage

The assistant put down the file and went out

Imogen closed her eyes for a while, brought the documents over, and braced herself to prepare for the meeting speech

Mr. Marshall, something went wrong.Lane hurried into the office. His voice was full of anxiety. Ms. Forbes’s phone number and all her social platformsaccounts have all been exposed!Hearing this, Troy changed his expression coldly and immediately stood up

Mr. Marshall, don’t worry. Ms. Forbes has resolutely deactivated that mobile phone number.” Go check callersidentities. Save the evidence and call the police immediately!Troy’s eyes were sharp, and he said seriously. Some matters could be resolved privately, but some must be treated seriously to have a deterrent effect

Since some people were not afraid of death and insisted on provocation, he must make them pay the price

Yes. I’m doing these right now.” 

Troy was about to go out when his cell phone rang suddenly

He picked up the phone on the table and answered

Mr. Marshall, we got something.” 

On Troy’s cell phone came a young man’s voice

I’m listening.” 

Neal is a distant relative of Mr. Johnson. He is idle. In recent days, Seth suddenly got very close to him.” 

Seth Johnson was Mac’s son and Charlene’s cousin

Troy frowned deeply

Is there any evidence of their transaction?” 

It has been sent to 

your mailbox.” 

Seth should have been instigated by Charlene. You go and investigate the two.” 

Yes, sir.” 

After hanging up the phone, with a snap, Troy put the phone on the table and closed his This matter was actually related to Charlene

Troy initially thought that Charlene was incredibly daring in drugging him

This news was even more incredible

It was Troy who transferred Charlene to the branch office

But these two times, Charlene targeted Imogen

All this stems from Charlene’s jealousy of Imogen

This jealousy seemed inexplicable to Troy


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