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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 146


Chapter 146 Troy Will Abandon You

Troy went to the company when he supervised Imogen to finish her breakfast

Imogen was sitting on the bed reading when she received the call

She also bought herself several books on pregnancy and parenting

She used to be afraid that Troy would find out, so she didn’t get to know childcare knowledge. Now she was free

The number was strange to Imogen because she didn’t save the dial book on the previous phone. She answered the phone, Hello?” 

A female voice immediately came from the other side of the phone and said mockingly, Imogen, you must be very proud now! Troy confirmed your relationship in front of the media, and you are pregnant. Do you think you are delighted?” 

It was Charlene

Troy had filed a lawsuit against her and fired her from the subsidiary

However, the lawsuit would take some time, so Charlene was still at large

The day when Imogen was discharged from the hospital, Charlene happened to be in the hospital. She observed Troy carry Imogen into the car with her own eyes, and she was intensely jealous. Who did she think she was

How could Troy favor a bumpkin like Imogen

She didn’t deserve it!! 

While listening to this, Imogen smiled and said intentionally, Speaking of which, I would like to express my gratitude to you. If it hadn’t been for your revelation, Troy wouldn’t have chosen me rather than Sarah and decided to confirm our relationship to the public. You may not know he already filed for divorce because of Sarah, but thanks to you, he changed his mind and returned to me! Charlene, thank you!” 

Hearing this, the other side of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then Charlene shouted sharply, Imogen! Bitch! You bastard! I’m going to kill you!!” 

You can only satisfy yourself by saying this on the phone now!” 

Charlene sneered, flustered, and exasperated. Imogen, don’t get too complacent! You probably don’t know yet. Marshall Group is going to replace Troy Marshall very soon! And Troy is about to be kicked out! It’s all because of you! You are a disaster. You are not satisfied with killing your father. You are going to hurt Troy. He will abandon you sooner or later!!” 

Marshall Group is going to change their president soon? Who will it be?Imogen asked casually. Just wait and see! What? Didn’t Troy tell you that the board meeting is held today?!” 

Imogen became silent

From the day she was admitted to the hospital, Troy handed over her work to others

She also planned to quit, so she let it be and never paid attention to the company’s affairs

Troy returned home early these days, and Imogen asked him about the company. The answer was always fine

It seemed that he was just comforting her

speed demon and showed no emotion. People in the board were not all on the same side with Troy

Charlene became very emotional when Imogen was silent, and a little smug can be sensed in her tone, “You joined the company late. I’m afraid you don’t know. When Troy first took office, he was arbitrary and tough, so he offended several directors. One of the directors went to the chairman to complain, but the chairman didn’t care and forced him to sell most of his shares, making people panic! They worry that after the chairman leaves, he will seek revenge. Although Troy keeps a low profile now, these directors have been dissatisfied with him for a long time, and now there is a suitable opportunity and a suitable candidate. How do you think they will choose?” 

It’s all because of you! If you hadn’t seduced Troy, I wouldn’t have exposed your relationship, and the company’s stock wouldn’t have fallen! Troy wouldn’t have forced my uncle to leave because of you and given those directors a chance to criticize him! You are a disaster!!” 

A myriad of thoughts and ideas filled in Imogen’s heart, but she said, Thank you for reminding me. No wonder he said yesterday that he had spent too little time with me before and would spend time with me and the children at home. He also owns some private properties. Not being the president is nothing for him. What we have now is enough for our family of three to live well.Charlene paused for a few seconds, then cursed angrily, Bitch, you are just reluctant to admit the facts! Let’s wait and see!” 

She didn’t believe it

Imogen was being stubborn

How could Troy give up the president position in Marshall Group for her?! 

He already stood at the top of the pyramid at such a young age, with great power. How much brightness and fame he got

How could he endure to leave like this?! 

Having hung up the phone, Imogen sat on the bed, recalling what Charlene said

If what she said were true, who would the suitable candidate in the eyes of those directors be? It couldn’t be a professional manager whom they wouldn’t trust

Then there were only a few people to choose from


Although he was a director of the company, he rarely intervened in company affairs and had been busy with his own chain catering company. When Judith came to see her a few days ago, Judith mentioned that something went wrong in a store, so the uncle went there on a business trip

It was also impossible for the cousin to be the candidate

Troy had mentioned promoting his cousin but was refused, saying he didn’t want to shoulder so much responsibility and intended to stay in the R&D center and concentrate on research

Then there was only one person left, Leo

Leo had a gentle personality, which the board would appreciate

Imogen thought for a while, then called Troy

It was quickly connected, and Troy’s voice came from the other side, What’s wrong? Imogen, are you not feeling well?” 

No, I just want to ask you, is there a board meeting today?” 

Chapter 146 Troy Will Abandon You

Troy was sitting in front of the conference table, with Lane standing behind him, and the present directors at the meeting were seated on two lines

Before answering the phone, Troy gestured for them to keep quiet, and the surroundings were suddenly silent with all eyes fixed on him

He replied softly, Who told you this? Don’t overthink. Take a good rest.” 


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