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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 15


Chapter 15: Never bear again 

Instead of lingering in the awkward atmosphere, Imogen tried to put their attention to something else. She grabbed the dish near the older Marshall man and served it to him

Look, Grandpa. You love sweet and sour eggplant, right? You should try this.” 

Her action lifted the mood. Our dear Imogen remembers your favorite! I’m jealous!The old woman exclaimed

You’re still the same sweet lady,Grandpa Marshall uttered and picked the chopsticks, smiling. Unlike some heartless person there who only makes me angry. I think his purpose is to frustrate me to death.” 

However, instead of saying anything, the labeled ungratefulTroy remained silent

Grandpa, don’t say that you’ll live a long life.” 

Imogen’s life was pretty eventful. Her parents were divorced, and her father got custody. It was because her mother did not want her at all. So years following their split, she had never met her 


Growing up, she witnessed her father being so busy with work while she was living in her 

grandparent’s house in the countryside. But a few years later, they passed away one after another, and she was taken by her father once again

Her miseries did not stop there because, at 16, her father also left, and she was utterly alone. That was when the older Marshalls, her now grandparents, came into the picture. They gave her warmth and a home to come back to

So hearing death from their mouths pained her. She didn’t want to bear the pain of losing another loved one. That was why no one was very eager to pray that the older man and woman of the Marshall Family would have a longer life than Imogen

After the meal, except for Troy, the other three were exceptionally happy and content

While she was there, Imogen thought of ways to make the old man and the old lady happy. Looking at them from a third point of view, they appeared like a real family with smiles all over 

their faces

They were in the middle of sharing stories when one of the maids went near Imogen. Miss Forbes’s arrival here made the old man much more energetic.” 

After the meal, Imogen accompanied Troy’s grandfather to play chess

The old man taught her how to play chess, and he basically taught her ways to gain good playing skills, and surprisingly, she made rapid progress. Even Grandpa Marshall himself dared not take her lightly as an opponent. He was serious as they played

Grandpa, no way! You’re playing tricks,” 

The old Grandpa of the Marshalls apologetically laughed while Imogen whined in 

discontentedness. But in the end, they saw themselves laughing because of how the game was 


I won’t be easy on you, Imogen. I haven’t dropped the chess yet.The old man rightfully squeezed the white piece back on the chessboard and placed it in another place

Are you sure you’re placing it there?” 

He glanced at Imogen, hesitated momentarily, and nodded, I’m sure.” 


Chapter 15: Never bear again

Imogen immediately pinched the black spot in her hand and laughed happily. Grandpa, you lost!” 

Grandpa Marshall’s eyes widened, not realizing that Imogen had tricked him. He returned the white one and threw Imogen’s black one back into the box. No, no, no, that doesn’t count. I made a mistake. I made a mistake.” 

On the side. Troy looked at the energetic Imogen and then peeked at the mischievous old man with a slight smile on his lips

In front of his brothers, the older man always looked stern, but looking at his grandfather now, it seemed only Imogen could turn him into a stubborn child. 

Suddenly. Imogen pointed at Troy and proclaimed, Grandpa, he’s mocking you!” 

That was when the older man glanced over, and the smile on Troy’s face instantly froze

You brat, how dare you laugh at me? Why don’t you go to pour water for Imogen and me? All you know is stand there foolishly!” 

Troy sighed. He could not believe the attention was on him again. Let alone the complete shift of attitude when his grandfather treated his wife and him


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