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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 16


Chapter 16: Ten Years Love 

The sun hung low in the afternoon sky as Imogen and Troy exited the old house. They found. themselves seated in the car, a heavy silence enveloping them. Imogen finally broke the quietude, her voice tinged with uncertainty, Troy, you must know how Grandpa feels. You know his attitude. best. He’s vehemently against our divorce. What’s our plan now?” 

Troy’s gaze was fixed on the passing scenery outside, a deep sigh escaping his lips. Let’s start by obtaining the divorce certificate discreetly, without letting Grandpa know just yet. We can reveal the truth to him slowly over time.” 

Imogen’s breath caught, and each inhaled a struggle against the weight of her emotions. She cast her eyes downward, nodding silently. Sure enough, he still made such a choice without any intention of changingit. He insisted on it even if his grandfather had spoken harsh words against him, willing to hide it from him and disobey him

When it emerged, her voice was hoarse and heavy with unspoken pain, Alright, when do you plan to get the divorce certificate?” 

A thoughtful frown creased Troy’s brow as he scrolled through his phone’s schedule. I’ve got a lot on my plate these days. How about we aim for next Monday?” 

Fine,” Imogen conceded, her response a whisper that carried the weight of their decisions

Seemg Imogen’s response, Troy pursed his lips and glanced at her several times

To be fair, Imogen is indeed beautiful

Her peach blossom eyes held a captivating alluresometimes gentle, with a magical charm that entranced, and at other times, sharp as a blade, cutting through the air

She has a standard oval face with smooth and beautiful lines, a small and firm nose, and small and plump lips. When she smiles, there are two small pear swirls at the corners of her lips, adding a touch of cuteness

Imogen’s figure was flexible and beautiful. She has strong selfdiscipline and picks out a few days a week to do yoga exercises after work

Troy knew it the most

During three years of married life, Troy often couldn’t help but feel obsessed with her. In their time together, he had become an expert in her looks and expressions. Her eyes, whether they were soft and warm or sharp and intense, had a strong effect on him. Her smile, with those cute swirls, could brighten even his worst days. And her overall presence just amazed him, making him feel lucky to have her

Closing his eyes, Troy allowed himself to drift back to those moments of boundless joy

In addition to these external conditions, her abilities are also commendable. She won the National Scholarship and the President Scholarship with excellent grades during her college years. She even participated in the National English Competition, obtaining the opportunity to study abroad on a public scholarship. In her work, she also arranged everything well and allowed McKesson’s development to exceed her expectations

Troy mused on the thoughthow could there not be others vying for her heart after their divorce? Who would be the one to win her affection

Out of the blue, he asked, Is there someone you’re interested in?” 

Imogen’s heart skipped a beat, her gaze flicking toward Troy. Yes,she admitted, her voice 


Chapter 16: Ten Years Love 

carrying a depth of emotion


person she loved was standing right before her. Her affection for him had blossomed over the past decade

It was a time marked by her father’s passing, her own arrival at the Marshall family, and the tremors of uncertainty that had gripped her

The memories remained vivid, the scenes etched into her mind

That girl has low selfesteem, sensitivity, and cowardice

Under the influence of others, she was extremely pessimistic about life, but at this moment, a figure suddenly broke into her life, sprinkling a burst of warm and dazzling sunshine on the soil of her calm and dark soul. Since then, my deep affection for him has been deeply rooted

She’d worked tirelessly keep pace with him, yearning for proximity, for a day when their hearts

could unite

But fate was unkind, tethering her to love unrequited

His heart stirred by her revelation, Troy grappled with a surge of emotion. He suddenly felt inexplicably agitated upon hearing her answer. She was in a hurry to divorce because she wanted to be with the person she lovedwasn’t that the reason

Does he feel the same way about you?The question hung heavy with anticipation

Imogen’s head shook gently, her eyes downcast. No, he doesn’t. He’s held someone else in his heart for years.” 

Troy’s heart clenched at her words, an unexpected pang of discomfort. If he doesn’t reciprocate. why do you still love him?” 


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