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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 165


Chapter 165 Locator 

After leaving Marshall villa, Imogen took her luggage and visited Charlie’s place

Charlie did not live with her family but alone in a floorthrough apartment with vast space and a bright view, which was very comfortable

After returning from traveling, Imogen thought she could also buy a floorthrough apartment and 

live alone

But that was for later

Charlie had already planned the travel route

She took Imogen’s passport when she visited Imogen a few days ago, applied for a visa, and prepared an air ticket for Imogen

Imogen packed her luggage for the trip in Charlie’s floorthrough apartment

That night, Imogen, Charlie, and Alex went to the airport, ready to head to the first stop of their travel, Norway

Norway, which meant the road to the north, was one of the five Nordic countries. Travelers went to Norway in winter mainly for skiing and the Aurora

According to Charlie’s plan, they would be mainly chasing the Aurora and experiencing the cultural customs of Norway. Skiing would be the side dish

The Aurora was a natural phenomenon. It would appear in high altitude near the North Pole and South Pole, with brilliant and beautiful lights at night. They were diverse, colorful, unpredictable, and very spectacular. One would even struggle to describe the beauty of it

Imogen had only seen it in pictures before, so when she learned about Charlie’s plan, she was immediately attracted

Charlie zoomed in on the mobile phone map in the waiting room and introduced excitedly, We will go to Oslo for two days first, then we go to Tromso to chase the Aurora. We then rent a car, drive to Sommaroy and Ringvassoya, then rent a cruise to Svolvaer and Lofoten islands, and spend five days there. We can go to St. Petersburg for a few days when we head back. What do you think?” 

Okay, you’re the boss,Imogen said

Alex counted the time and said, It takes almost half a month, and I’ve just used up my annual leave.” 

Well, you can return to work from St. Petersburg. Imogen and I will go to other places and have fun until Christmas,Charlie said, “Imogen, is there any place you want to go in particular?Imogen thought for a while, then said, No, I’ll just follow your arrangement.” 

Charlie took Imogen’s arm, shook it, and insisted, Give me some advice! This trip is to celebrate you becoming single. You have to have a sense of participation!” 

WellLet’s talk about it when we leave Norway.” 

Okay,” Charlie glanced at her watch and agreed, we should be boarding soon.” 

I’m going to the bathroom.” Imogen took out a tissue from her bag and stood up

Me too.Charlie immediately followed Imogen

Coming out of the toilet cubicle, Imogen was washing her hands at the sink when Charlie yelled, Imogen, are you okay? Wait for me outside.” 

Okay,Imogen responded, waiting for Charlie outside the bathroom

She looked around, bored

Suddenly, a man walked into her vision

Imogen casually glimpsed at him and felt his face was a little familiar

She moved her gaze back again, and when she took a closer look, her face turned pale instantly, as if she had seen something terrifying

She would never forget that face

At the intersection, the car collided with the truck, making a loud noise and bursting into flames

Imogen looked up before she fell into a coma

She saw the ferocious smiling face of the truck driver, and it was deeply etched into her mind

That face would appear in every nightmare she had, lingering and tormenting her repeatedly

She never received any apology from the driver after the crash, only a courtenforced payment

And because Imogen insisted on punishing the driver firmly, the compensation was not much. But it was almost all the truck driver’s properties

If Imogen were still an ordinary orphan girl, she would not dare to think that she would ever receive the compensation

At that time, due to her father’s status, there were many followers of that car accident. With the help of Henry, the media, and people from all areas, the driver was sentenced to seven years for drunken driving, hitandrun, and causing death. That was already a relatively severe punishment

Now that seven years had passed, it was normal for the driver to be released from prison

However, no matter how severe the punishment was, it couldn’t make up for the damage caused to Imogen by her father’s death. Imogen couldn’t do anything else

The truck driver didn’t recognize Imogen. He walked past Imogen and entered the men’s bathroom

Imogen, what are you looking at?” 

Charlie came out of the bathroom, saw Imogen in a daze, and followed her gaze to the men’s restroom but found nothing

It’s nothing,Imogen said, let’s go. We’re about to board the plane.” 

Let’s go.” 

Imogen looked back at the men’s bathroom several times with a hint of doubt

After an investigation by the police and the procuratorate, the family background of the truck driver was very ordinary, even poor. Why was he here

Although some domestic flights were now cheaper than bullet trains, this was an international -flight terminal 3. The planes boarding at this terminal were all flying to the Nordic countries. Due 

to its long travel distance and it was tourist season now, the air tickets would often cost several thousand dollars, which was a large sum of money for the family of a truck driver

Imogen was thinking while walking and ignored the front. Suddenly, she collided with a man and almost fell. Fortunately, Charlie helped her up

I’m sorry, I’m sorry,Imogen regained her composure and apologized quickly


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