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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 166


Chapter 166 Imogen Concealed Her Past

When Yann put the locator on her, Imogen was distracted, thinking that he accidentally bumped into her without any doubt

A dark light flashed in Troy’s eyes. He immediately hung up the phone, opened a specific mobile phone software, and held his breath

Sure enough, a small blue dot appeared on the map at the airport, New York City

Troy’s lips curled into a smile, and he’closed his eyes

He took a deep breath and said to Lane on the sofa, Go and help me with the discharge procedures.” 

Lane was startled and replied, Mr. Marshall, you aren’t recovered yet.” 

I’m fine.” 

Seeing Lane standing still, Troy raised his eyebrows and asked, Aren’t you going?” 

Lane hesitated and said, Mr. Marshall, there is something I’m not sure if you knew and whether I should tell you.” 

What is it?” 

It’s about Ms. Forbes.” 

Lane knew Troy was hurrying to leave the hospital to find Imogen

Although Imogen was good, Lane couldn’t bear to see Troy being deceived, as he was Troy’s subordinate

Something to do with Imogen?Troy wondered

Troy raised his eyebrows and ordered, Speak.” 

He added, I won’t blame you.” 

Lane said hesitantly, When Ms. Forbes had an abortion, did you read her medical records?No,Troy replied decisively, his eyes signaled Lane to continue

Lane guessed it too

During the few days when Imogen was hospitalized, Troy stayed with Imogen all the time, and all he learned about Imogen’s condition from the doctor

But some confidential information might not have been shared by the doctor

At that time, Lane was the one who took Imogen’s medical records and related documents to handle various procedures such as hospital payments and other procedures

He had seen Imogen’s medical records, and a sentence in it left a deep impression on him

That secret had been on his mind for a month

Originally, he planned to swallow those words if the relationship between Troy and Imogen reconciled as before

Now Troy and Imogen were divorced. After second thought, he decided to reveal it

When I helped Ms. Forbes go through the formalities, I saw in her medical record that the cervix is transversely split and she has given birth.” 

As he said that, Lane found out the medical record photos he had taken

Impossible,Troy didn’t even look at it and immediately denied it, There must be something 

wrong with the inspection equipment.” 

He and Imogen had been married for three years and were skintoskinned. He knew very well what was going on with Imogen

Imogen came to the Marshall family at sixteen and had always been under his watch. If she had given birth, how could he not know about it

Also, Imogen looked inexperienced with her pregnancy this time. If she had given birth, she should know something

In short, what Lane said was nonsense in Troy’s view

However, Lane said, At first, I thought it was a mistake, so I asked the doctor indirectly. But the doctor told me there was nothing wrong with her 20 years of experience.” 

Troy paused and looked into Lane’s eyes questioningly

Lane nodded slightly. If you don’t believe me, you can call the doctor and ask her yourself.” 

Troy lowered his eyes, raised his hand, rubbed the center of his brows, and said casually, Then ask her to come over.” 


Lane could see that Troy didn’t believe it, so he left with a sigh

Troy was the only one left in the ward

Thinking back on what Lane said, he insisted that the doctor had made a mistake

Imogen had a child before, which was ridiculous

It was not as reliable as she had an abortion before

After all, the uterine wall was thin, and multiple abortions might also cause it

A few minutes later, Lane returned, followed by the female gynecologist who performed the abortion operation for Imogen

Mr. Marshall, what did you call me for?The doctor sneered at the cheating man in her heart, but she was very polite to Troy on the surface

Troy glanced at Lane

Lane understood and immediately found Imogen’s medical records and brought them to the doctor

The doctor glanced at Imogen’s case and was at a loss. She asked, What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with this medical record? Or is it that Ms. Forbes is not feeling well?” 

Troy frowned slightly, brought over the medical records, and read, The cervix is transversely split. And you assume that she had given birth before?” 

The doctor didn’t understand Troy’s doubts and asked, That’s right, women who have given birth are like this. Ms. Forbes is one of the mothers who have recovered quite well, but I can tell that she has given birth! Your eldest should be three or four years old, right?” 

Lane held his breath, raised one eye, and glanced at Troy

He only saw that Troy’s face was as gloomy as a moonless night

Troy’s eyes were deep as a coal mine, and he asked in a deep voice, Are you sure you didn’t misdiagnose?” 

Misdiagnosis?The doctor wondered

Troy clarified. I don’t have any children.” 

The expression on the doctor’s face cracked for a moment. She thought, Mr. Marshall had no children


So Imogen was hiding her past

Good grief, one cheated during the marriage, and the other hid her past. It’s like the idiom. Similar people tend to associate with one another!” 

Facing Troy’s sharp eyes, the doctor hurriedly explained, There is no misdiagnosis. I don’t make mistakes like this, and another doctor signed the record. You can ask her if you don’t believe me!” 

Seeing that Troy’s face was still ashen, the doctor thought of something and said, It was the third anniversary of your marriage not long ago? Seeing how Ms. Forbes is recovering, the childbirth was at least three or four years ago” 

The implication was that if Imogen deliberately concealed the matter before their marriage, it was normal for Troy not to know about it


Okay, you may go.Troy’s face was still calm. As to whether he was deliberately enduring it, only he knew

Okay, okay,The doctor heaved a sigh of relief and hurried away

Troy said to Lane expressionlessly, Go and call the other doctor on the medical record.” 

Yes.Lane left in response

Just as he was about to open the door, he heard Troy say again, Remember to seal it.Understood.” 

Whether it was true or not, if it spread out, Troy’s reputation would surely fall, not to mention. Imogen’s

A few minutes later, Lane brought the other doctor

Her answer was the same, very firm. She further analyzed the difference between a fertile woman’s uterus and a nulliparous woman’s uterus with Troy

Troy waved his hand with indescribable emotion in his eyes. He said imposingly, Get out.” 


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