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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 183


Chapter 183 Much Harder to Care 

The thief is an old hand. He took your wallet away while you were taking pictures on 

Ringvassoya. I happened to see it.” 

Imogen glanced at him. Did you go to Ringvassoya, too?” 

For a moment, she even suspected that Yann had taken her wallet. It wasn’t because she was being sentimental, but it was a coincidence

Well, I went there yesterday.” 

Well, thank you.” 

They just went today

Could it be just a coincidence

Why are you being polite? Meet compatriots abroad, and I should help you if I can.Yann handed over the wallet


Imogen took the wallet over and held it in her hand. And she looked up at Yann and said, If hadn’t come so timely, I would have booked a ticket to Oslo by now. So how about I treat you to dinner tomorrow? If your friend doesn’t mind, you can come together. I treat you.” 

Yann raised his eyebrows. Let’s talk again. I’ll go back and ask my friend.” 

Isn’t your friend too strict? It is not like your friend, but like your girlfriend, who is afraid that you will go out and flirt,Imogen said halfjokingly

After Yann heard that, Troy’s dark face flashed in his mind, and he couldn’t help raising his eyebrows and smiled. He is much harder to care than a girlfriend, and you will know as you see him later.” 

Imogen’s eyes flickered, fleeting, and then smiled lightly. It is just a joke, anyway. You have greatly helped me, and I will invite you to dinner. If your friend disagrees, I will talk with him by myself.” 

Yann nodded with a playful smile on his face. Okay, then I will go back first and reply to you later.” 


Closing the door, Imogen leaned against the door panel, looked at the wallet in her hand, and fell into deep thought

Was it just a coincidence

Yann went directly to Troy’s room and sat down on the sofa. The wallet has been delivered.” 


Troy sat on the single sofa and responded with a deep voice

He had his elbows on his knees, holding a cigarette case and lighter

Didn’t you already meet her yesterday? Why didn’t you send it off yourself?” 

Yann also smoked a cigarette and lit it with Troy’s fire

He thought that as they had just caught the thief, Troy stepped forward without saying a word and punched him a few times

Yann seemed to be able to hear the snap of the thief’s ribs breaking

Putting the lighter on the table, Troy took a deep puff of the cigarette. Then he clamped the filter element with his index finger and middle finger and moved it away. As he opened his thin lips 

slightly, the curl of smoke immediately poured out, floating upward in circles, and finally disappeared

He recalled the words Imogen said yesterday that stabbed his heart with a knife. I don’t plan to remarry you

He even felt that the temperature in Norway in December was not as cold as Imogen’s

After a few seconds, Troy asked, Did she say anything?” 

She said she would treat me to dinner tomorrow.” 

Yann knew what Troy would say, so he said before he could speak, She said I helped her a lot. She must invite me to dinner. If you disagree, she will talk to you in person.Troy stopped what he wanted to say and dully took a drag on his cigarette

Yann looked at Troy playfully. How is it? You have to agree this time, right?” 

Troy’s face darkened, and he lit a cigarette. Tell her that you come to choose a restaurant, and she won’t refuse.” 


They had already planned to go to sea tomorrow to watch whales. Charlie had already booked a big boat whalewatching tour, which started around eight o’clock in the morning and took six to nine hours in between

Therefore, Imogen invited Yann to dinner at night

As Imogen heard Yann say he would book the restaurant, the weird feeling in her heart returned. But she didn’t refuse and let Yann tell her after making a decision

At 7: 30 the following day, the three arrived at the pier designated for assembly

At this time, there were already many people waiting at the pier. It was obvious from a glance that they were also members of a group that had reported whale watching by boat. And there were many American faces among them

They booked a catamaran, the tour guide was a local person, and the group communicated in the local language

Boarding began at 7: 40 in the morning. And as they set off at eight o’clock, more than 30 people were on board

The hull cut through the water, and the white waves parted to the two sides, gradually moving away from the pier

Imogen stood on the deck, the sea breeze blowing in her face, mixed with a unique smell of fishy and salty

She turned her head, and the pier was getting farther away, slowly blurring until it disappeared. She looked around, surrounded by a vast expanse of seawater. And at the end of the azure, there were faintly visible snowcapped mountains that almost merged with the sky

There was still some distance from the sea area where the whales would appear, so Imogen went to the restroom because she couldn’t bear the coldness

There was a small lounge on the boat, and already a dozen people were sitting in it at this time. The other dozen or so people were still standing outside, enjoying themselves

She didn’t know how long it took. But Imogen went to the deck again as the tour guide came to 

remind them near the sea area where the whale appeared

At this moment, the pier had long since disappeared, and the ship was floating alone on the boundless sea with no end in sight

Imogen couldn’t help lamenting how big the world was and how small people were

Like aurora, whale watching was a matter of luck

The tourists kept their eyes wide open and carefully scanned every piece of sea level

But this sea area was almost over, and they didn’t even see a whale

The ship turned on the sea level for several hours. And soon, it was noon


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