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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 184


Chapter 184 I Want to Be Your Girlfriend 

Imogen didn’t go to Oslo today and told Charlie and Alex about Yann getting back her wallet. Charlie shouldered Imogen with her shoulder and smiled ambiguously. Don’t you want us to follow?” 

I can go by myself,” Imogen smiled slightly

If Imogen invited Yann to thank Yann, she could have asked Charlie and Alex together

But she wanted to go alone

Charlie only felt that Imogen had thoughts about Yann, so she patted Imogen on the shoulder and raised an eyebrow at her. Alright, come on. Try to get him tonight!” 

Alex also thought that Imogen liked Yann and felt sorry for Liam. Imogen, you should be more careful. After all, we don’t know anything about Yann, and we don’t know who he is.” 

I understand. Don’t worry. It is not what you think.” 

She just thought Yann was strange and wanted to verify her 


Charlie had an understanding expression on her face. An explanation is to cover up” 

Imogen was speechless

What restaurant Yann ordered was a Japanese restaurant that Imogen and her friends had never been to

On the far right side of this restaurant is a row of small rooms against the wall, separated by screens at the front and back, and on the left side is a shadowy bead curtain, providing a certain amount of privacy

According to Yann’s news, he booked the penultimate private room

As Imogen arrived, Yann was already waiting in the private room

The bead curtain rattled, and she opened the curtain to come in. Yann smiled. Come on, sit down, please. Have you seen the whale?” 

Imogen put the bag on the table’s corner and sat opposite Yann. Yes. We were lucky today and encountered a group of whales and whale jumps. It is so beautiful! Do you want to see it? Do I send you the photos and videos?” 

Take it easy.” Yann pushed the opened menu in front of Imogen. Order first, and I have already ordered a few. You can order some others.” 


Imogen put the phone aside and carefully looked at the names of the dishes ticked on the menu. With a smile, her watery eyes bent into small crescents. Huh? Are our tastes so similar? We are too destined.” 

Across a screen, Yann could feel the temperature drop in the private room next door. Even his back was chilly

Yann pretended not to know and smiled casually. We met in a foreign country, and it was a kind of fate.” 

That is right,Imogen smiled, randomly added a few more dishes, and handed the menu to the waiter

Yann picked up the kettle on the table, poured a cup for Imogen, and put it in front of her

Thank you.Imogen smiled. Yann, how old are you this year?” 

Me? Thirty years old.” 

Are you married?Imogen held the water glass, warming her hands while sipping hot water


Do you have a girlfriend?” 

Yann raised his eyebrows and looked at Imogen in surprise. No.” 

He had said in front of Troy several times before that he suspected that Imogen liked him, but that was just to stimulate Troy. Yann never felt that Imogen liked him

But now, Imogen invited him to dinner alone and asked these questions, which confused him

Imogen was puzzled. You are so handsome, and rich girls should be chasing you, right? Or do you have someone you like?” 

There was a sudden bang from the private room next door, and Imogen subconsciously glanced behind Yann, but she couldn’t see anything through the screen

She hadn’t heard any sound from the next door, so she thought no one was around

Yann noticed that the temperature next door had dropped a few degrees

He smiled. No, I don’t want to delay others.” 


I am a person who likes freedom. I don’t have a stable job, and I don’t have a house. I can do whatever I want. In other people’s words, I am idle and do not do a proper job. The only advantage I have is I am goodlooking. I am also sure that I will not change it in the future, so I shouldn’t be with other girls.Yann’s posture was lazy, and there was a wildness between his eyebrows and 


Imogen put her elbows on the table, rested her chin on her hands, and looked at Yann with admiration. To be honest, I like you!” 


Another sound came from the next room

Imogen didn’t care, sighed, and continued, Because of my family, I am more cautious and restrained in character. So I have always envied people like you who can do whatever they want. You don’t care about worldly views and have the courage to do what you want. And the idea of giving up everything for freedom is what exactly I don’t have.” 

Imogen sipped water and said, Besides, you are so righteous. You help me get my wallet back. And you don’t want to delay other girls. If you delay other girls, you would have already used this face to mess around.” 


you. But you think too highly of me.Yann looked at Imogen’s serious expression, and the expression on his face was slightly stiff

Didn’t she like him

Was it possible

Yann only felt that his back was getting colder and colder

I speak from my heart.” 

Yann was silent. The waiter came to serve the meal at this time, which solved his urgent need

Chapter 184 | Want to Be Your Girlfriend 

He picked up the plates from the waiter, put them on the table individually, and smiled at Imogen, Don’t just talk. Let’s eat.” 

Okay.Imogen nodded and asked casually, Why did you book here? And you even booked a private room.” 


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