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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 185


Chapter 185 Are You Disgusted


As something fell on the ground next door and shattered, a waiter hurried over to clean it up

Yann could no longer care about Troy’s feelings, with his expression frozen

Imogen liked him

How could Imogen like him

With his big hands on his knees, Yann took a deep breath, tried to stable his mood, and asked with an expression of complexity, Ms. Forbes, are you serious?” 

Of course. Otherwise, how come I come here alone today?Imogen, who had long featherlike eyelashes, smiled and blinked

Yann almost couldn’t catch his breath. Well, Ms. Forbes, I still suggest you think twice. I don’t know how I attracted you. Anyway” 

Are you disgusted that I had a marriage ever?Imogen interrupted him

NoYann answered

Actually, you don’t have to worry about this, for Troy is impotent,Imogen continued

Yann opened his mouth wide in astonishment and was speechless

You don’t believe it, right? Actually, I didn’t believe it either at first. Troy looked superficially healthy but actually was an impotent man. He had surgery and also took Viagra, but it didn’t work. I rarely had sex with him since I have married him for three years.” 

At this moment, Yann’s mouth widened as big as an egg

Troy, who was just behind a wall, had already been furious by Imogen’s words

He never expected to shoot himself in the foot to acquaint Imogen with Yann. Imogen fell in love with Yann, whom she had only met a few times

In addition, to get Yann’s approval, Imogen actually made up lies in front of Yann to slander Troy!She was really increasingly bolder

When Yann still thought about the reliability of Imogen’s words, his phone rang

He took it out of his pocket. As expected, the call was from Troy

Maybe Troy was already pissed off

However, this call was timely. Otherwise, Yann really didn’t know how to respond to Imogen

I’m going out to answer it,Yann said

Okay, I am waiting for you.Imogen looked at Yann tenderly

Yann shuddered all over, stood up, and walked out quickly

Watching Yann away, Imogen’s smile slowly disappeared, and her eyes looked deeply at the opposite wall

She turned on her phone to play a ringtone and pretended to call someone, Hi, Charlie, maybe I won’t go back tonight. Don’t worry. Yann is handsome and has a good figure, and I won’t suffer any lossesI will tell you more after returning domestically. It doesn’t matter if Yann has no money. Anyway, Troy gave me fifty million dollars as compensation. Well, that’s it. Byebye.” 

After hearing these words, Troy hit the ceiling and felt dizzy

Troy thought, Imogen was going to have sex with Yann tonight


many times had Imogen met Yann? Did she know Yann’s identity and his character, as well as his habits? Wasn’t she afraid that Yann was a bad person who traced her for a long time? How could she make such a perfunctory decision

Imogen still wanted to use the money I gave to support Yann

There was no way!‘ 

Troy gritted his teeth angrily. On the phone, Yann, hiding in the bathroom, said in surprise, I have guessed it. Imogen really likes me.” 

Troy’s expression changed suddenly. Fuck!” 

He hung up the phone directly, stood up neatly, and suddenly froze in place

At some point, Imogen stood at the door of Troy’s private room, staring at him behind the bead 


Meeting Imogen’s calm and sharp gaze, Troy was shocked and forgot to react for a moment, with his mind blank

ImogenHe said guiltily, his thumbs rubbing his cuffs involuntarily, nervously waiting for Imogen’s scolding

Imogen folded her arms around her chest and then raised one hand to open the curtain. She took a few steps forward leisurely and looked at Troy up and down. Don’t you tell me you are on a business trip and have an appointment with your client.” 

Troy compressed his lower lip. You have guessed it?” 

So what Imogen said to Yann just now was intentional

Yann is your friend, so have you been following me these days?!” 

Initially, Imogen thought Yann was strange, so she held a doubt before Charlie’s words dispelled her suspicion. However, afterward, Troy appeared at the airport, which made Imogen suspicious again

It was because Imogen noticed that Troy had a good mental state that day, which obviously showed that Troy just arrived in Norway

Moreover, she took the initiative to show her love to Yann, but according to Yann’s reaction, he obviously didn’t seem to like her, so some things weren’t reasonable

Yes,” Troy took a deep breath and replied in a deep voice

Eagerly gazing at Imogen, Troy slowly stepped forward. Imogen, I can’t leave you. But I’m afraid that you won’t be happy if I appear in front of you, so I can only look at you from afar” 

So several gazes Imogen perceived were from Troy. 

Imogen looked down

Troy chased Imogen to such a distant country, but he only peeked at her secretly and did not disturb her, which lasted for such a long time

If it had been before, she would have been completely moved

But at this time, Imogen could only doubt whether Troy had any purpose

And even if what Troy said was true, and he did it because he loved Imogen, it was also too late. Troy, we already divorced. We should respectively go on with our life and not interfere with each 

Chapter 185 Are You Disgusted

other. Don’t do this anymore. It’s meaningless.” 

Whether it is meaningful is not up to you. You said you didn’t want to remarry me, and I don’t expect your forgiveness. I just want to see you every day and know you are happy so that I am satisfied.” 

Not to mention anything else, Troy was adept at love talk, and it couldn’t even tell the truth or falsehood

Otherwise, Imogen wouldn’t have been cheated by him for three 


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