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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 189


Chapter 189 Such a Handsome Man 

The woman bowed her head slightly and raised her pretty hand to half remove her sunglasses. She said in the local language contemptuously, I know. My seat is in the aisle. I don’t want to be there. How much do you want for us to change seats?” 

Imogen frowned. I’m sorry. I don’t want to change with you.” 

The woman squinted at Imogen. Her gaze skimmed over the bag in Imogen’s hand, and a sneer appeared on her face, This bag is no more than five thousand dollars at most. How about I give you five thousand dollars? Don’t forget that the price of these seat tickets is the same. These five thousand dollars is like you got it for nothing.” 

Imogen shook her bag in her eyes. It only cost eight hundred dollars. But I told 

changing with you.” 

There was a hint of contempt in the woman’s eyes

you I’m not 

She had seen a lot of people like her. They took a meager salary, saved for many years to be able to travel, and then went to take pretty pictures pretending to be rich

So, how much do you want? Are ten thousand dollars enough?The woman asked

I won’t change no matter how much you give me!Imogen answered

Seeing that Imogen still didn’t agree, the woman’s face stiffened, and her eyes were gloomy. I’ll give you one last chance. Are you sure you want to throw away the ten thousand dollars for nothing?” 

I said I won’t change it. Are you deaf? If you make any more noise, I’ll call the flight attendant!Charlie directly replied angrily. After responding, she whispered in the local language to Imogen, How could anyone be so shameless? She dresses to look polite, but she is uneducated.” 

Upon hearing this, the woman angrily glared at Charlie. Who are you calling shameless? Who are you calling uneducated? You’re the one with no education!” 

Charlie realized she had heard them and crossed her arms without flinching. We’re talking about you! Aren’t you rich? Why did you buy the economy class? Go straight to the first class. The economy 

class can’t accommodate a rich woman like you!” 

Well, I am rich. The money in my hand is more than you two poor women can earn in a lifetime. You’re envious, aren’t you? If it wasn’t for my friend booking the wrong ticket, would I be willing to stay in this small and shabby economy class? I wanted to talk politely, but you are so rude!” 

The woman said angrily and left to get an upgrade from the flight attendant

Imogen and Charlie sat down in their seats

Charlie said, I’ve never seen anyone so rude!” 

Don’t pay any attention to her. She’s already gone, and we’re not even squeezing,Imogen said. In the first class cabin

After checking in for her upgrade, the woman’s mood still hadn’t calmed down. She stood by the aisle with a drooping face and ordered the man in his seat in the local language, Move over.” 

The man didn’t move and looked at her faintly

It was then that the woman noticed the man’s face and was drawn to him

It was the first time she had seen such a handsome man

He had full brow bones, deep eyes, and a straight nose. He was truly attractive to look at. His eyes, nose, mouth and jaw were on the woman’s aesthetic

She put back her displeased expression and gave a small, gentle smile. She winked and said, Excuse me. Hello, can you let me through?” 

The man then withdrew his legs

The woman stepped in front of him and took a seat

After she passed by, the man stretched his long legs again

The woman had previously resented the long legs that were in the way, but it all turned out to be an advantage for the man at this moment

She secretly glanced at the man a few times, guessing that he was at least five feet tall

After she entered, the man continued to read the magazine in his hand

The woman stared at the man’s hand with her afterglow. His fingers were thin and long, with welldefined bones. The back of his hand was hidden with uneven veins

She was calm on the outside, excited on the inside. His hands were so nice

It had been a long time since she had met a man so agreeable

If she missed him, she didn’t know where to find him

The plane took off, and when it reached a high altitude, it settled down

The woman couldn’t restrain herself from touching the man next to her with her elbow on the armrest. She apologized in local language, Sorry.” 

That’s okay.The man replied in the local language with a low voice

The woman was delighted in her heart. His voice was so nice too

She then struck up a conversation, Where are you going?” 

Sydney.Troy flipped through the pages of his magazine

He knew Imogen was on this plane, but Imogen didn’t know he was there

In fact, he didn’t even get on the plane that day after Imogen left

Imogen was a little fool. She was still so innocent that she didn’t even watch him get on the plane

Yann had gone back home, so he stayed alone with Imogen, hiding his tracks easily

The woman said in surprise, I’m going to Sydney, too!” 

Troy read the magazine carefully as if he hadn’t heard the woman

The woman continued, Excuse me, may I know which country you are from?” 

Troy didn’t want to chat, so he said faintly, Sorry. Please don’t disturb my reading.Okayyou read the book.” 

The woman stared at Troy with burning eyes, and her heart grow fonder

For some men, as soon as she initiated a word, they went and flirted with her offensively

And the man in front of her was not submissive. He wouldn’t flirt with her for her beauty, and he 

wouldn’t flatter her for her money. He was much better than those men

She didn’t expect to meet such a handsome man when she came out to travel

She thought it would be nice to know his specific information

Chapter 189 Such a Handsome Man 

A flash of disappointment crossed the woman’s eyes

After almost thirty hours of flying, the airplane finally arrived at Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport


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