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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 190


Chapter 190 Is This a Gift for Him

Imogen woke up in the evening. Feeling better, she asked Charlie to join her at the restaurant for dinner

After they had dinner, Charlie suggested going for a walk outside

People were coming and going all around. Many were tourists who had come on a trip and were happily taking pictures

Imogen and Charlie stood by the pier, with the cool ocean breeze coming in, cool and refreshing. The lights were shining brightly, reflecting on the sea, and seeing the waves sparkling and floating was beautiful

Imogen and Charlie took a few pictures here, but Imogen always felt like there was a pair of eyes behind them

But she looked around and saw nothing

They went around the Sydney Opera House again and returned to the hotel

Liam wouldn’t be in Sydney until two days later, so it was just Imogen and Charlie for the first two days

On the third day, Imogen and Charlie went to the Queen Victoria Building

The Queen Victoria Building was the largest shopping center in Sydney

The building had a long history, with a glass dome and spiral staircase, revealing a classical atmosphere everywhere. It was a tourist attraction before it became a shopping center, and now it would be a mustvisit destination in Sydney

There was a food center in the building with coffee shops and restaurants all over the place. In addition to the many local brands, there are also many international stores

Imogen came here not only for sightseeing but also for another purpose, which was to choose a gift for Liam here and to bring some souvenirs back in the meantime

But up to now, Imogen didn’t know what to give Liam

Charlie said, Don’t worry about it yet. Let’s take our time shopping. Maybe we’ll come across something suitable.” 

In one of the stores, Imogen looked at a men’s watch that was understated and luxurious

The shop assistant put the watch on the table, showing its beauty, and highly recommended it. Charlie, what do you think of this watch for Liam?Imogen asked

Yes. But do you have to give him a gift?Charlie said

It’s a gift I’m giving back to him. I had to give it to him.” 

Imogen was about to ask the shop assistant to make the order when a condescending voice came out. The woman pointed to the watch in front of Imogen. Pack up this watch for me!Imogen heard the voice sound familiar and turned around to see that it was indeed the woman they had met on the plane

The woman obviously recognized them as well, with contempt in her eyes. Well, it’s you two

isn’t it? Poor women. How dare you two come here to buy something. Can you afford to pay? Don’t make a fool of yourselves here!” 

Making a fool of ourselves? That’s not for you to care about.Imogen silently replied to the shop 


assistant, I saw this watch first. Pack it up for me.” 

The woman immediately rushed up. Pack the watch for me! You must not sell it to them. They can’t even afford it!” 

The woman loved the watch as soon as she arrived, and it was a perfect match for the gentleman she met on the plane. If they met again, she would definitely give him the watch

Upon hearing this, the shop assistant looked at the woman’s dress and then at Imogen and Charlie, revealing a hesitant look

What Imogen and Charlie wore wasn’t bad, better than average

The woman dressed so deliberately, and she wore nothing but designer labels

Imogen directly took out her credit card and placed it on the table. Since I decided to buy it, definitely afford it!” 

I can 

I’ll offer five times the price. Give me this watch.” The woman said in a commanding tone, If you sell me this one, I’ll purchase several others!” 

Did she meet a rich woman

If the shop assistant sold a few styles at once, she wouldn’t have to worry about her performance this month

The shop assistant looked at Imogen hesitantly. Madam, we still have a lot of styles over here. Would you like to pick another one?” 

The woman looked at Imogen smugly and smiled provocatively

Imogen frowned. I’ll go ahead and pick this watch first. As a place where tourists visit regularly, don’t you even know the rules of first come, first served? Where’s your manager?” 

The woman became even more arrogant. What’s the point of you calling the manager? Even if the manager comes, this watch will still be mine!” 

Charlie glanced at the woman and asked Imogen, Imogen, did you hear a crazy woman screaming anywhere? That’s weird. What’s a crazy woman screaming in a mall?” 

I’ve never seen such a crazy woman.Imogen agreed


you guys call me a crazy woman?The woman glared angrily at Imogen and Charlie

I didn’t say it was you. It’s none of my business if you say it’s you.Charlie waved his hand

The woman came rushing up in a rage, trying to raise her hand to strike Charlie

Imogen pushed the two of them away as hard as she could by holding her arm

You want to hit me?” 

Seeing that she was outmatched, the woman screamed at the shop assistant, They’re teaming up to beat me. You guys should get them out of here!” 


Just then, the store manager arrived. The woman rushed to the manager. Manager, these two 

poor women don’t buy anything and even hit people, hurry up and kick them out!” 

The manager looked the woman up and down a few times, Get her out of here now!” 

Did you hear that? The manager told you to get out!The woman smiled provocatively at Imogen and Charlie

A shop assistant came to the woman. Madam, please get out and stop disturbing our business.” 

Chapter 190 Is This a Gift for Him


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