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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 19


Chapter 19: Troy Doesn’t Believe Her At All 

Troy had indeed given his consent initially

But as Imogen stood there, everything suddenly seemed absurd and surreal

All of this was happening because of Sarah. Troy’s interventions had disrupted McKesson’s plans, forcing Imogen to clean up the mess each time. The meticulously crafted marketing strategy had turned to dust due to the change in spokesperson. He remained oblivious to her effort to maintain the current stability

Troy’s devotion to appeasing Sarah had shaken Imogen’s confidence. She felt her credibility waver, questioning whether her dedication and sacrifices were in vain

In the midst of this turmoil, Charlie’s words struck her like a bolt of lightning, igniting her frustration. Mr. Marshal agreed? How could Mr. Marshall care about such a minor detail?” 

Sarah grinned, her words dripping with a calculated sweetness, Charlie, everyone understands the minordetail you’re referring to here is minuscule compared to Mr. Marshall’s responsibilities. But every aspect of a shoot, including makeup and styling, holds its significance. I’m curious why Mr. Marshall would concern himself with such minutiae

Ylah added, Are you implying that Sarah is lying, Director Forbes? If you doubt, us, you’re free to confirm with Mr. Marshall. He’s empowered us with this decision, and we stand by it unwaveringly. You can tend to the other details. Feel free to terminate the contract if it becomes too much to handle. This endorsement isn’t essential for Sarah.” 

Sarah stood in silence, allowing her agent to speak for her

Charlie fumed, her frustration palpable, but she had no recourse against Ylah’s stubborn stance

Leaving the dressing room, she clenched her fist in a silent expression of exasperation. In all my years in this industry, I’ve never encountered such audacitycooperating with countless stars and witnessing all sorts of behavior. She’s beyond shameless, snatching endorsements from others like Xena and pretending to be a saint.” 

Charlie’s reputation in the industry was wellestablished. Her makeup artistry had transformed mediocre appearances into stunning transformations. Her guidance had propelled a previously overlooked female lead to fame simply through the magic of makeup

Alex, who had witnessed the exchange, consoled Charlie, Calm down. Let’s figure out how to handle this situation next. If Sarah refuses to alter her makeup, we might need to adapt the filming plan.” 

Charlie looked at Imogen, seeking direction. Ms. Forbes, what’s our plan?” 

Head to the lounge and wait for a bit. I’ll make a call and join you shortly.” 

Understood, we’ll be waiting.” 

Imogen walked to a quieter spot within the studio, retrieved her phone, and dialed Troy’s number

The phone was picked up after a few rings

A composed voice greeted her, Hello.” 

It’s me, Imogen.” 

Is something the matter?” 

President Marshall, did you grant Ms. Page permission to bring her own makeup artist and 



Chapter 19: Troy Doesn’t Believe Her At All 

makeup designer?” 

Troy’s response came after a moment’s pause, Yes, what about it?” 

Today’s shoot had been meticulously arranged, with makeup artists, photographers, and props all aligned with the planned styling. Unfortunately, Ms. Page’s makeup contradicts the theme, and staunchly refuses to adjust it. She’s even threatened to terminate the collaboration. Her current makeup and styling could significantly compromise the advertisement’s final outcome.” 

A pause ensued as Imogen waited for Troy’s reply

You must be misunderstanding something.Troy finally responded

Imogen felt her heart sink at his words, realization dawning that Troy didn’t believe her

She tried to explain, President Marshall, this is not a misunderstanding. I spoke with them, and they were adamant about keeping the makeup as is.” 

Yet Troy’s voice remained unwavering, void of trust. Sarah wouldn’t behave this way. What motive would she have for jeopardizing our collaboration?” 

Imogen’s hope for Troy to retract Sarah’s decision waned

Her breath caught in her throat as she grappled with Troy’s lack of faith

Haven’t you forgotten something?Troy continued. Why did you change the filming schedule yesterday? Why wasn’t Sarah informed?” 

Imogen felt a weight descend upon her, realizing that Troy doubted her entirely

Before Sarah’s return, Troy had entrusted her with significant autonomy, trusting her competence and judgment. Yet, since Sarah’s comeback, his priorities had shifted, favoring her instead

His words echoed in Imogen’s mind, Sarah spoke highly of you, defended you. Can you say the 


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