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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 20


Chapter 20: Her Beloved 

Imogen looked at the phone on the ground and stood straight for a while before slowly crouching down to pick it up

Imogen did not want to seek shame anymore

From the beginning, Troy’s heart was biased; he always only turned towards Sarah

Yesterday’s incident, as long as Troy wanted, he could send someone to investigate and know the truth. However, he believes more in what Sarah said

Is the first lover the most unforgettable for a man

Director Forbes, Ms. Charlie, and Alex are still waiting for you in the lounge.” 

The assistant saw Imoga standing in a daze and cautiously walked over to remind her

Okay, I see.Imogen immediately adjusted her emotions and strode towards the lounge. How’s it going? What did Mr.Marshall say? Charlie immediately asked when she saw Imogen 

come in

Alex raised his head and expected

Imogen shook her head

Alex sighed

So next… 

I will communicate with them to see if we can make minor adjustments and borrow some props. Alex, you will need to watch more in the later stage. I have some ideas now, and I will send you a sample image when I return tonight, Imogen said.” 


Imogen returned to the dressing room and communicated with Sarah’s team again, making minor adjustments based on the existing makeup

Imogen had already been a bit impatient in her heart, but she was in charge of McKesson and had to take responsibility for her own work

If the endorsement effect is not good, Imogen will definitely be affected as the person in charge of McKesson

For Sarah, the impact will be even more significant

Last time Sarah and Troy were photographed while Sarah was confirmed as the spokesperson for McKesson. Although fans looked harmonious, in reality, there was a bloody scene

As a popular new star, Xena has a large number of fans. After her endorsement was snatched, Xena accepted Imogen’s compensation on her side but privately guided her fans to complain about Xena. They even made trouble in the comment areas under Sarah’s Instagram account

If the endorsement advertisement is not ideal, Sarah will be mocked and ridiculed then

And this is her first endorsement after returning to New York, which is crucial

Sarah can only choose to accept Imogen’s advice

She finally solved the problem of makeup making. Finally, the official filming has begun

After a busy day, the filming was finally completed


Chapter 20: Her Beloved 

Imogen looked up outside the window, and the sky had already darkened

She stretched out and took the car key to the parking lot


When she arrived at the outdoor parking lot, she suddenly heard someone calling her name

Imogen turned around and couldn’t help but smile with surprise

Liam! It’s been ages. What a pleasant surprise! I’ve been quite busy with work lately,she greeted him warmly

Liam returned her smile, his eyes twinkling. I thought I was mistaken, but it’s really you. I’ve been doing a magazine cover shoot these past few days. You’re leaving work so late.” 

Imogen nodded, her expression reflecting the demands of her busy schedule. Yes, the endorsement for McKesn has kept me occupied.” 

Liam raised an eyebrow playfully. Ah, the famous McKesson endorsement. I’ve seen it in the news. How’s it going?” 

We’ve had our challenges, but we managed to wrap up the shoot today,” she replied her tone a mix of pride and exhaustion. My, uh, workload has been too high recently. I just need to take a break in the next few days. Let’s go. I’m fine today. Please have a meal with me; we haven’t seen each other for a long time.” 

Imogen considered for a moment before shaking her head regretfully. I appreciate the offer, Liam, but I’m afraid I don’t have time tonight. I have some matters to discuss with Alex.” 

Liam raised an eyebrow playfully. No worries. If you’re not in a hurry, just call Alex and bring him along. We can all catch up.” 

Imogen hesitated, contemplating the idea. Actually, that’s a good suggestion. Let me give Alex a call.” 

Imogen dialed Alex’s number with her phone in hand and explained the situation. Alex readily agreed to join them, and Imogen turned back to Liam with a smile. Looks like we’re in luck. Alex is on board.” 

Liam grinned, clearly pleased with the outcome. Great! Let’s head to a nearby restaurant and continue our chat.” 

Imogen engaged in lively conversation with Liam as they walked towards the restaurant. She inquired about his recent projects, and he shared stories from his magazine cover shoot. They exchanged updates on their lives, reminiscing about their childhood days spent together

By the way, how are your parents doing?Imogen asked genuine concern in her voice

Liam’s expression softened. They’re doing well, thanks for asking. They’ve been wanting to see you. How about paying them a visit sometime?” 

Imogen’s eyes sparkled with warmth. I’d love to. It’s been too long since I last saw them.” 

Imogen felt a sense of comfort and familiarity in Liam’s presence. He had been a source of support and friendship throughout her life, especially during challenging times

Imogen found herself laughing freely and genuinely, the burdens of the day gradually easing as 

she shared stories and memories with Liam


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